Can we get account wide ignore?

But still incredibly dangerous (to one’s sanity)


Can the circle speak be broken by and by void lords by and by


Sanity? Sanity is for the weak!

But you know what isn’t for the weak: Account Wide Ignores. With the simple click of ignore on one character all characters connected to that account should be ignored.
1 and done.


Is a prison. Let madness release you.

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Speaking of insanity…

Imagine your entire forum existence is lamenting that Blizzard doesn’t listen, that Blizzard ignores all feedback, that Blizzard just simply does not care

Then imagine spending a solid six months trying to shut down feedback anyway.


Its what undermines any and all arguments.

The buck stops with Blizzard.

You’d have to sign a petition or knock on their door to get any kind of real change but I wager no one is going to go that far out of their way just to wrestle for control of the forums.


This would solve so many problems on the forums.


I can’t post videos anymore. :frowning:

Boooo! Booo! Blizzard Booo!


Heh, I am actually one that thinks to be sane in this insane world, you have to be at least a little bit insane yourself.


Several TL: regular people are having the same issue. It’s just a thing right now.
I’m able to but the next person isn’t. It’s a discourse software update issue.


Just dropping in after a few days to re-voice my support for account wide options on the forums including ignores, likes, flags, etc. and that’s regardless if it’s just done with a single forum character, battletags, etc. because a much healthier forum is a much better environment for us all. :dancer:t5: :dancer:t5: :dancer:t5:


They really need to find a better forum program


One that is ready to implement the Account Wide Ignore system.

I agree.



Lets be honest if you’re on the forums you’re here to watch drama or get into it. Dont wanna get into it just stop posting and watch, not many people care for anyones opinion anyways.

Same thing with these other options on the forum ignore. I don’t know if anyone is thinking, “You know, this person is a jerk, I want to hear from them again next month.”

Unrelated but it should take less clicks to ignore someone. It takes less clicks to flag someone than ignore them and that feels wrong. There should be a perma-ignore button down there next to the flag button.

sad to see the new changes were only a boring update, not anything useful.

while i’m here, does anyone know how i stop getting notifications which are years old?

never mind, figured it out… i think.
i’ll know by tomorrow i guess :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

agree that ignore should’ve always been account wide


So in a few other threads I have had the same pests in this thread, that I have blocked, continue to reply to my posts and like my posts just to let me know they are still there
being pests.

Account Wide Ignore should block any and all communication with people we do not wish to deal with. This includes not allowing them to post replies (or likes) to our posts in a effort to continue trying to engage with us even thou we have decided we want nothing to do with them.


Opinions can be neither correct or incorrect. Btw, you are doing the same stuff that got your other character suspended.

You never did any of that.

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Ah yes the true MVP’s of this thread, Doobly keeping this thread alive.

Since your on Uulomul now instead of Doobly and you probably have to put me on ignore again because ignores are not shared when you swap characters on this site and your now reading this, how about you answer my question to your “People will find our alts by ignoring here on this site” argument: