Can we get account wide ignore?

The great thing is they pay someone else to run their forums for them so whether they think they are perfect or not isn’t going to stop the people that actually run them from changing them so again I welcome basic changes like battletags and account wide ignores.

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What I’m saying is when something is blanket rolled out it’s blanket rolled out and although Blizzard might suggest things doesn’t mean they will actually listen, that doesn’t mean they don’t read what people request and then pass it on, if they didn’t we wouldn’t have stuff like Dark Ranger skin, Man’ari Draenei customizations, new ping system and so on and so on.

So again basic changes like battletags and account wide ignoring is welcome in my book.

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This is funny you are trying to talk in circles so I’m done, I shouldn’t have to draw you a picture.

No, they don’t. Someone else developed the forum software, Blizzard pays them for the right to use that software. Blizzard still administers the forums in-house, with their own employhees.


Then fine I’m wrong, I don’t care either way honestly.

I just want a healthier forum with basics like battletags or one character posting, likes, flagging, etc. and then account wide ignores so I don’t care who runs it, who changes it, etc. as long as it gets from point a to point b.

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Give it a rest, I’m adding you to my ignore list now, take care.


Should have done that a long time ago … your forum experience would have been more pleasant. Mine has


I guess that’s what they wanted lol

I smell Khrog


Ewww, my post got liked by that Dwarf DK.

Ewww ewww ewww


As soon as I see a similar speech pattern I already sniffed it a mile away. Yeah I’m not messing around with that lol, it’s just gross that we keep having to do it on so many characters.


The mask fell off long before their first post.
As a matter of fact… they are wearing a name tag with their characters names on it.


Circle Circle Dot Dot now I got my cootie shot.


Somehow I doubt that’s gonna stop you,


What’s the over/under on will they bring a new sock?
Also on, will they recycle another alt?

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I have always loved the feeling of a new pair of socks. Except here.


I wouldn’t make book on it. You know they’re gonna hop on another :wink: anonymous :wink: alt. They only real question is how soon, but I doubt we’ll have to wait long.


Account wide ignore means I feel a person is toxic to me and I don’t want to deal with an army of alts and ignore bypass to continue to see or hear continuous toxicity.

People are not being silenced from the public just silenced by a person who feels that they don’t want to feel another persons negative energy.

We should be able to have a properly working ignore system, just like the other Blizzard forums do.

Apparently people can still edit even when flagged to un-flag themselves

Those who say “deal with it” are most likely abusive to others in RL and think it’s normal to treat others in a bad manner. It’s not normal to treat people badly continuously and those who do think it’s how you treat others should seek help.


Yes and no. Discourse doesn’t force it’s admins to version upgrade. You upgrade at your pace. Things aren’t just pushed from Discourse. So Bliz accepted the changes when they chose to upgrade to this version. You are also free to mod up Discourse how you see fit. If Bliz didn’t want the feature, they could mod it out. Discourse mod writing can be a pain, but it’s not TOO awful. You do end up pretty hands on with version upgrades tho, since some theme or mod or other you’re running won’t play nice and will need fixing. I think Bliz decided to upgrade to a newer version complete with these changes. Whether they decide to keep them or not, who knows.

This. Exactly. Altho I think even for Bliz Discourse is free. Not sure on that part.

In the end tho, Bliz sees the actual issue. They know how many sockpuppets there actually are, and how big of an issue it really is or isn’t, and how much time is or isn’t worth spending on it. How Bliz treats an account (whether its a bnet or a character) has little to do with Discourse. To Discourse, a user is a user. Bliz defines what a user is. They chose bnet for their other forums, and character-server for wow. That would have been done by modding the discourse software.

Uulomul is sounding suspiciously like doobly again…