Can we get account wide ignore?

Been a few days, but … Blizzard licenses the forum software from Discourse. Blizzard administers the forums in-house; they do not farm out or offshore anything.

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There’s something almost poetic about this. anyway new update feels a bit rough

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Thanks for reminding me why I recognized that poster’s name.

I wouldn’t need to be reminded if we had the proposed Account Wide Ignore system.
Getting tired, after 19 years, of playing Whack-A-Troll on these forums.

I wonder how angry the Anti’s would get if we also asked for the same feature that Steam uses on their discussions. Where it says the account name and if it’s been banned or not lol.

That was already a thing before the update yesterday.
I got a good laugh out of of one of the Antis liking my post after I had them already ignored. I wish that it blocked them from seeing your post and liking it just to continue communication with the person that doesn’t want to have any further communication
with them but it’s something I can live with.

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Now the issue is that we can’t see your post at all. There’s not even an option to view your post. People who disagreed with you removed you.

See the problem?

i can’t see whoever got their post flagged. there’s no open button anymore lol that sucks

I mean, I guess it makes sense. If their person in question said something super bad and got flagged. Then not being able to view it regardless is a good thing.

Buuuuut, now it can be used to silence people. Isn’t their forum mod basically automated?

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Ok I know this was a Discourse change to the forums but did Blizz have any input on the decision ?

If so this is not what we were asking for .

We are not asking for people to be completely silenced . We want people to be able to silence those they don’t want to interact with by being able to ignore them on an account level if they choose .

We want those that do want to interact to be able to see what the person has to say even if the person has been flagged by being able to see hidden content .

Not saying Blizz did have any input but if they did , well “Thanks Blizz you monkey pawed another thing that could of been good”.

No, this was purely a Discourse thing. The update affects all Discourse-based forums, not just Blizzard’s. Blizzard had nothing to do with it, and it’s exceedingly unlikely the changes had anything to do with any feedback posted here.

Someone last night suggested that this new ‘feature’ should be taken advantage of with gusto. I’m starting to agree that the only way to get Blizzard to do anything to improve things is for the players to just burn it all down.


I was wrong. Additional information came to light, and I have been pretty transparent about reflecting that updated info in my comments.

And now you’re wrong. Blizzard didn’t do anything.

And did Blizzard’s alleged approval also greenlight the changes being pushed to every other Discourse-based forum on the internet? This may come as a shock to you, but Blizzard doesn’t own the internet, and they don’t have that kind of influence on literally anything.


Forum changes have been happening since January, February sometime early this year.

Maybe Discourse just wants to improve forum functionality so they can get more business.

Forum business competition, I’m sure most companies are looking for forum software with account wide ignore.

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Sorry but we still need Account Wide Ignore as a option.


Two concepts I’m not convinced you’re familiar with, friend.

Another muppet puppet for the ignore pile.


:musical_note: It’s time to draw the curtains . It’s time to light the lights. It’s time to get things started on the Sock Puppet show tonight :musical_note:


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According to you, which is fine you are entitled to your opinion just like we are entitled to want it still as well as request it.

Careful, friend, the mask is slipping.


Again you are entitled to disagree and I don’t care that you do honestly, that isn’t going to stop me from requesting for account wide ignore or others from requesting it and unfortunately you have to accept that we are entitled to still wanting it, pretty cool how that works huh.

Because after changes yesterday it has shown me they can change something in a matter of moments be it account wide ignoring, battletags being used on the forums, etc. and I welcome it.

Why go to the trouble of switching characters if you’re just going to say exactly the same things, in exactly the same way, with exactly the same grammar? Who exactly do you think you’re fooling?


That’s the whole point, Blizzard didn’t implement them therefore they can be implemented at any time without warning which is wonderful because an improved healthy forum is welcome and that includes basics in my book like battletags and account wide ignores.