Can we get account wide ignore?

Reading other threads, it would appear that whatever changes were pushed are having a less-than-positive effect on post flagging. Buried posts can’t be viewed at all, can’t be liked, can’t be replied to, nothing.

I was going to say it won’t be long before this is abused, but I’m sure it’s already started.


I am hesitant about players having that much moderation power (completely hiding a post you disagree with instead of having the option to view it), but I’m willing to give it a chance. We will see how it works out.


I dunno anything about other changes, but I really dislike the full on hide posts via mass reports

Literally just gave the tools to silence people to a single person who likes to alt hop

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Just post something, anything, mildly controversial or unpopular.

There was a thread in GD a short while ago, drawing attention to this new flag feature/bug. The OP and a small handful of posts within the thread were buried, and now the thread has been 404’d. I’d be curious to know if the deletion was a reaction to the topic or to the flags.


I said in the other thread that I have no problem with not being able to open flagged or ignored posts if it is someone I have ignored but should be able to see a flagged posts comments if that person isn’t in my ignored list .

Also I agree if what currently happening with the changes isn’t a bug preventing people from seeing a flagged post’s content and is an actual feature I see people abusing it including those we know of that support no changes for the forums.

Most people in here know I am for people being able to say what they want as long as they follow Blizzards rules and that people have the right to have those that want to listen to them be able to.

I would like to see what a post says before I determine if the person is worth listening to or not .

If this is a feature now and not a bug then I’m even going to yell censorship because it prevents people from being heard by those that would care to do so.

The irony of this change is

  1. it gave the trolls/alt hoppers the power to shut down threads
  2. it’s literally the fearmongering tactics that bloodypaws and crew used against account ignores, that people could totally silence someones “opinion”

It’s the worst of both worlds and I can’t stop laughing.


We had a poster the other night admit that she was alt hopping flagging posts that bothered her. Haven’t seen her since. Perhaps the moderators are finally on task.

Well if they arn’t banned they have to the power to temporarily atleast shut down any thread they want.

unfortunately yes, it does need a bit of tweaking, It’s too soon to tell as the changes are couple of hours old.

It’s 100% either a bug or possibly in the top 2-3 stupiest things blizzard have done regarding wow.

I am in agreement with that. That’s what it’s starting to look like.

I’m really hoping a CM will show up and explain things as the rumormill is going wild

At least according to someone on the deleted thread, the hiding flagged posts was a discourse thing that doesn’t have an option to turn off as it has rolled out over other non-blizzard forums that use the software


One can hope. I wholeheartedly support and endorse a policy of ‘play stupid games, win stupid prizes’.


I prefer the “saucy” way of saying it. :grin:

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Hello, puppet. I guess you missed the part where this was a Discourse update. Blizzard had nothing to do with it.


Blizz doesn’t make the forums , Discourse does

I keep seeing people post this? Where was this said?

Someone mentioned that this new ‘feature’ is present in all Discourse-licensed forums. So it wasn’t a change Blizzard made, nor was it a change that Blizzard asked Discourse to make. This was something Discourse decided they wanted globally.


Personally I do work.

What happens on these forums doesn’t impact my livelihood.

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