Can we get account wide ignore?

ooof, hope that’s an oversight, I don’t like that as a change

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that doesnt sound like a good change considering that some are falsely flagged


We aren’t the judge or jury though so I’m indifferent like our viewing it doesn’t make a difference I guess. The mods review it I suppose (?) idk, on one hand when really bigoted stuff gets said its nice to know its gone period, but then yeah theres a flip side idk.

To me I just like knowing the forum overhaul is apparently kinda here / starting.

I just feel like completely blocking a post is too open to abuse in petty situations.

Well we’ll see how long this lasts if it was intended or something where Discourse made a change that they need to revert.

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It might force them to look at the flagging system tho and it’s abuse, and or even limit flags as we go into an account wide forum ID.

Idk I wanna hope / think it’s a sign of good things to come!


They’ve changed the color of the heart and reply buttons, and re-oriented the notifications menu. Those are the only two changes I’ve noticed so far

With the change to flags, has anyone checked if ignored posts are autohidden too?

Never gonna happen . Like I say " They always give themselves away "

They can’t help but repeat what they said on the previous toon .

New Alt: I think I will say the same as before but they’ll all think I’m a new person and will believe I’m some rando that supports what my other toons said.

Everyone Else : Hey so and so I see you decided to be origina and roll a Classic toon this time around :roll_eyes:

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It’s the bit where they talk to themselves and stroke their own ego that i find absolutely degenerate behavior. i feel like i need to grab a can of lysol every time i pop in this thread lol


Don’t forget the lighter

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When you ignore someone, it looks like this now:


Clicking on it restores the post and there’s no indication that it was previously hidden.

Also, I noticed this language on the “Ignore” function:


Specifically that you won’t get notifications related to that user (not even on direct replies?) and that their TOPICS and replies will be hidden - I assume that means new toplevel posts also.


also the User CP / control panel got changed. So when you click on your actual profile where it lists your likes / post history / notifications / etc. it’s a lil different now.

I think the update had more to do with that part. i dont like how it scrolls sideways on my phone though, that feels super annoying and unnatural.

An update: Someone that I put on ignore for two whole hours as a test (sorry Tarrok!) liked my post. I got no notification, and when I drop down who liked it I get:


Also, when I refreshed the post page it re-hid the hidden responses that I’d clicked on to show them!

I am a test post. Someone is testing something. IGNORE ME.

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I too am a test post! You see nothing!

Okay, ignore isn’t account-wide. YET.

It’s done that for a while now.

I find myself wondering where the loyal opposition went. Especially the ones that said things like, ‘If Blizzard thought the forums weren’t perfect, they’d be making changes.’

I mean… They were right. They should be in here absolutely crowing

Doobly, Ard… where are you??


You are correct.

And if they had any understanding Blizz wouldn’t be the ones making the themself but would probably give their recomendations to Discourse on doing Account Wide ignores and Discourse making the actual change.

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Catch is account wide ignore may be part of Discourse already, as they are set up in a way that means 1 name/poster=1 account, and most of the ones that use them have forum IDs or similar and there is little reason to change characters on them.

In essence, Discourse is set up like the other Blizzard forums that use BTags, so ignoring a poster ignores the account.