Can we get account wide ignore?

I am hoping for more animated emojoi’s like popcorn eating dracthyr.

I also want a steamroller emoji.


Yes, we need more emojis. :dracthyr_nod:

And an account wide ignore. :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:


And account wide thread mutes.


And… gifs… we need more gifs.

I demand more gifs.

Gifs are kinda my signature move…

My finishing move if I dare say…


And they communicated so openly about it too.


They did where???

I’m glad to see we got a forum update more to come I hope like an account wide ignore and battle tag associated forum ID posting


I love the new hearts but I love hearts in general. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Also like many others have said I hope they aren’t done because account wide ignoring, thread mutes and well other forum improvements of that nature are always welcome in my book. :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse:


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[quote=“Jalanili-moon-guard, post:3788, topic:1659768”]

  • Start ranting about ‘false flagging’ and conspiracies and a bloo bloo bloo how oppressed they are
  • Declare that they’re leaving and muting the thread
  • Despite saying that, they respond many more times on the same alt
  • Eventually roll a new alt, see first step

It’s the troll that never ends they go on and on my friend


As far as I can tell, this is what blizzard’s official stance on the issue is.

There are known issues with the fundamental design of the forums that they want to fix, but these will take time to fix.


Ok now I’m gonna do my anti impression .

“OMG this little change so far is gonna get all my alts exposed and cost them all the raid tier this new forum change will cost us”

Ok where are the regulars that keep on going “Have they said they are going to make changes ? , No they haven’t so they aren’t”

Well did they say anything about the changes we are now seeing ? No but they made the changes.

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Nah, it’ll go something like, “Look, they did an update and they didn’t add Btags/Account-wide ignore that means that they don’t want to!”

Not that it’s just more complicated and would take more updates on the back end to do than changing the color of “like” hearts, likely because the licensed Discourse software had an update.


Was being snarky there as one of the popular things the troll goes on about is how since they haven’t said anything since the blue post linked above than obviously they aren’t going to do anything because they tell us everything they do with the forums apparently


Because forum trolls are notorious for being experts in how software engineering works…

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Ah okay, and then I see caps had the quote from before too.

I thought they made an official thread stating their doing forum changes based on your post my bad.

But looks positive in that direction anyways.

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Things that the regular trolls have speculated about while claiming it’s a fact:

  • The intent of the developers as it comes to the use of their forums
  • The budget for the Blizzard company down to specific amounts allocated to forum updates
  • The back-end programming infrastructure of Discourse, Blizzard account data, and how Blizzard has modified it specifically
  • Who the forum SFAs and mods are annoyed by and who they agree with
  • What local laws/nationwide laws/the TOS/the CoC have to say about “free speech” on the internet in a privately owned video game forum
  • Future prognostications on the dissolution of all society if the things they don’t want come to pass

I’m kind of shocked this topic is still going. Good for us.

Yeah not much action from the antis right now . Maybe they tok our advice and decided to ignore the thread or maybe they realized we could spot their alts faster then they can make new ones.

Who knows :man_shrugging:

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They’re probably thinking about what alt to use next that wont get ignored

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Probably been mentioned but we can no longer see hidden posts at all, like once its flagged it just says flagged by community (I saw someone flagged rn and was curious where the option to view what was said went) but I def think forum changes are beginning to happen !