Can we get account wide ignore?

yes, friend. if i were to offer my opinion on the subject, i would politely state the same thing as you.

thank you once again for the wonderful insights you’ve posted in this thread :slight_smile:

that’s not how that works. youre the one trying to convince people of the change. you’re the one trying to convince people of your narrative.

yea, so obvious that you can’t explain how they are trolling. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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All you do is gaslight and victim blame.

Yeah, that thing you’re doing right there? Stop that. It’s so weird.


Just put them on ignore . It is probably one of the regular anti trolls classic alt . To be honest I’m thinking it’s the fox

Yes it is. you jumped in in the middle and want everyone else to repeat stuff that’s already been said in this thread.

I mean, since you obviously have trouble with things.

While not 100% associated with it, it does not bode well that they are using an unplayed account to post on to separate connection to their main account.

They are using an obnoxious feigned politeness where the continually rudely ignore the arguments made to them, put words in other people’s mouth, lie about what they say, but then pretend because they call them friend that they are being polite.

They keep breaking COC by repeatedly spamming statements that add nothing to the thread and continue the pattern above.

And I mean, I know you say you’re not against this, but it is interesting how much grief you give this side for an imprecise statement here and there, while ignoring the massive made up scandals that are made by the side against that rely on impossibilities to maybe even have a chance of working.

I’m half wondering if it’s Aeon/Grumm since they’re doing the whole “I’m not against the ignores” but they so far have always admitted their alt-hopping


It’s not doing what it’s supposed to.


what isn’t ?

Using alts to spam flags is punishable. It’s a quick way to catch a vacation.

Now… one of their tactics has been using multiple accounts…


It doesn’t matter whose right or wrong.

Just because someone breaks the rules doesn’t entitle anyone else a free pass to do it themselves. Which is why these topics always have these vicious cycles, posters feel slighted and have an irrational need to see others punished for it.

Making a mountain out of an ant hill isn’t how you make change happen, particularly the kind of change that’ll only satisfy a very, very niche subset of players.

If Blizzard really wanted to clean up the forums, they wouldn’t have bothered with the CC.

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No, you’ll definitely be back. How many times have you already claimed to be leaving? What was the longest stretch you actually managed to stay away? You lack willpower and are overfond of having the last word.


I remember in Ayukama’s “The world of warcraft forums should use battletags aswell” thread and him/her saying I’m muting thread and then suddenly comes back later.

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10 edits from a day ago. Holy tomato.

Usually multiple times on each character that they post with per discussion. The pattern seems to be:

  • Show up on a new alt and ask “What’s going on here, guys?” like they’re new and don’t know who any of the people in the discussion are or what the discussion is about
  • Pretend to be “convinced” by the anti tagger/anti ignore usual suspects
  • Get called out for being yet another alt because despite the fact that they’re so super worried about account privacy that they want to scuttle major quality of life improvements for everyone so that no one could ever use new tools to go to a literal herculean effort to find out what their alts are, they haven’t taken any steps to secure their armory data from being shared to third party sites
  • Start ranting about ‘false flagging’ and conspiracies and a bloo bloo bloo how oppressed they are
  • Declare that they’re leaving and muting the thread
  • Despite saying that, they respond many more times on the same alt
  • Eventually roll a new alt, see first step

Do I see… forum changes? I believe I see forum changes.

Now if only we had account wide ignore… so we don’t have to deal with certain posters and their army of alts they use to get around blocks.


I’m not sure how I feel about the top of my notifications list being replies from 9 months ago thou.

luckily there’s 1 button that lets you clear out all unread notifications

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Oh my, I noticed a very positive change lately.


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Now if only we had 1 button that clears off all contact with a account that we no longer wish to deal with on the forums.

Some kind of… I dunno…

Account Wide Ignore system.

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Let’s hope they are not done yet. :grin:


Oh wow, they are working on the forums, so much for “perfection”.