Can we get account wide ignore?

Some of them have admitted it, you just want to pretend.

The worst trolls in these threads are still posting nonstop

because I’ve seen it happen.

This is hilarious from you.


quote it then. were waiting.

how do you know he’s trolling?

you’ve seen what happen?

im not the one saying anything is confirmed. :joy:

Goodness, do we ever need account-wide ignore on the forums. Something tells me that I wouldn’t even have to add the most recent one and that they would already be on ignore thanks to the small handful I already have there :wink:


I’m not gonna scour the thread for the exact post, but Aeon/Grumm has admitted they’ve changed character at least twice.

Because I’m not an idiot?

People get banned for reacting to the sockpuppets/burners

No, you’re just plugging your fingers in your ears, going lalalalalalala, and ignoring anything that disagrees with your bad stance and pretending everyone else is making up the problem


seven characters, wow.

well then im not going to believe you. im sorry but i do need proof something for me to believe things.

so you have no idea if he’s trolling or not?

but you said they’re more likely to get banned than the sock puppet and burners. how do you know that? did you make that part up?

no im specifically ignoring claims without evidence, which is the bulk of what your side has resorted to.

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There were also some level 10 DKs they were using on another thread (as bots no less) that don’t have names that stuck around long enough to be memorable.

Then don’t come into the middle of an existing argument and whine about people not spoonfeeding you when you want to act like an expert without reading what’s already been said.

Nope. I’m confident that multiple of you guys are trolling to kill this thread.

Because I know people who have been banned for complaining about the trolls and the trolls are still trolling nonstop.

Nope. You’re saying evidence isn’t evidence because you seem to be on team keep it easy to harass people who are sick of your noise.


Forum wide ignore would be great.

On the other hand, now I know why people spam reports with alts. Easy way to hide a post, no downside or penalty.

After doing that enough times, someone might be right on something. Thus, reporting away!

Yep. This is the other reason why we need a single forum identity enforced for everyone.


Penalizing false reports would be great. Now, reporting anything remotely offensive if I have to squint, now they might get the vacation instead. Why not?

If it helps any, that is the one thing they have no problem slapping people with an action for flagging, at least if they catch it

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Problem with that is you might catch people who legitimately report edge cases, or flag posts that are subject to interpretation whether or not they are against the rules.

The rules are written and enforced vaguely enough that this has the potential to do more harm than good.

it’s a public forum. people can come and go as they please.

feel free to ignore my posts then if you can’t offer any sort of proof whatsoever. that’s always been the crux of my contributions. please read my posts before replying to them. also, im dubious this was ever said since no one has been able to quote it for me.

you should report anyone you suspect of trolling. but asking someone a question really isn’t that.

but you have no idea if the “trolls” were banned or not. what you consider trolling might actually not be trolling at all.

there’s been no evidence posted so i have my doubts that it even exists. you cant just say “there’s evidence, but we wont show it” and expect people to believe you.

again, read my posts. ive stated multiple times im in favor of account wide ignore. what im not in favor of are these made up scenarios of 10+ alts posting all over the forums causing a huge mess. it’s just not happening.

Haven’t been hit yet, just wonder if it will happen. One of my posts did get removed (thus a short vacation.) Had to wait to flag theirs, and now who gets the last laugh? (Kinda petty I guess.)

Four flag failures, fifth was right on the money. (Cause I pointed out their nonsensical flagging in a not-so-nice manner.)


I think someone got upset that I wasn’t going to engage with them anymore and all of a sudden, “Your post has been reported…”

It’s possible that it wasn’t spam reports from one person on their alts, but I’d be surprised if it wasn’t :wink:

At this point, as someone who is actually required to post on just one character, Perl for me in this case, I’m all for just a single identity like our public b-tags. Really wish they had just gone with them, to begin with, like every other Blizz forum.


Indeed and you’re welcome to read the whole of this thread where this has happened. There’s even a search feature you can use to check their posts. But all you’re doing is being lazy.

They’d have to have stopped posting if they were banned. They haven’t.

T-Virus, well over 10 alts.


Know someone on the story forum got hit for doing that, was a pretty long one, think multiple months. Using multiple alts basically takes away the concern about penalizing legit flags since it’s more about abusing the broken system to flag more than once rather than relying on a judgement call.

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but the onus is on you to prove your claims. its not on everyone else to prove your claims for you.

probably because they werent actually trolling?

how do you know they used 10+ alts?

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And the onus on someone jumping in in the middle of a discussion is to read what’s happened rather than expecting everyone else to stop and repeat themselves for their convenience.

I mean, they obviously are.