Can we get account wide ignore?

see right here? this user took the time to write out a whole post dedicated to me, just to finish by saying “also doobly’s on my ignore list.”

why do they need a better ignore function when they havent even tried using the current one?

obviously we must be trouble makers if we say that the current ignore function is working properly when they don’t even try to use it.

if blizzard were reading this thread, they would probably think “why do these four people want an upgraded ignore system if they don’t seem to be using our current one?”

I have explained and demonstrated this to him about how this software treats our characters as accounts and any time we swap to another character here on this site, people you ignored do not transfer to that posting character and the alt you swapped too is not even ignored.

He continues arguing for the sake of arguing though despite being shown that ignore currently does not work against to those who know the flaw that comes with the Character-Server format (i.e Ignore evasion for relevance of this topic),

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an other issue that needs to be fixed, if I ignore some one, I don’t want to see hide or hair of the ignored, even through quotes.

Some of us do block and for the most part never look at others posts again .

But when you have people coming in on new toons after they have been ignored to reengage with those that had already been ignored like you were with Aeondaboil or Doobly and his miriad of alts that he has used to get around other peoples ignores.

If you honestly wanted account wide ignores you would of stayed on the same toon you started off with and would of respected the fact that the only people you were /are entitled to be heard by are those that choose to do so and not switched to engage those that no longer wanted to interact with you when you were on your previous toon.


there are no rules in the code of conduct that say you aren’t allowed to change characters on the forums…

Grrumm is allowed to change characters if they so choose.

Yeah, maybe Blizzard need to rethink that policy. Better yet, just set the forums up like their other properties and use Battle Tags. Kills a bunch or birds with one stone.


Funny how even though the troublemaker know’s he’s on ignore, he replies to me anyways. I mean, I acknowledged it currently, but to prove a point about a better ignore system.

He also still said its working fine. Lizard, if it was working fine, you wouldn’t be able to reply to me or vice versa. Thats how we want it.


Treat it as a non entity. Acknowledgement gives them power…

Basically marginalize them.


you do know that you don’t have to read my messages, right?

are you even using the current ignore function?

i believe that if you tried to use the current ignore function, you would see that it works perfectly.

have a lovely day, friend :slight_smile:

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I think of it as mind over matter.

I don’t mind and they don’t matter

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well the current ignore system works perfectly, you just aren’t using it properly, right?

you say you put on ignore but here you are, replying to my messages, making messages directed towards me.

what you’re supposed to do, when you ignore someone, is dont open the “hidden message” and dont write messages directed to the person who you supposedly “ignored.”

if you do those things, i think you might find that the current ignore system works perfectly.

I wonder how far people will go to get in that precious last word.

Has anyone ever bribed a guildie: "Hey, I will give you 500,000 gold to send the following message to Lolnoobs: "Trîçks has a msg for you: “Oh ya? Well I’m putting YOU on ignore too! So welcome to MY ignore list!”

Lets hope they don’t take 5 devs off the “Fixing pvp imbalance” team and assign them to THIS issue.

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yeah i don’t really understand it myself… everyone in this thread says they are ignoring me but they keep writing messages directly to me

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I have nobody on ignore… heck its been years since I even looked at… hmm… I better check, hope I can still find it with all the UI changes. Wait here a sec (insert final jeopardy music here) back, nope, not a soul. I think reason why is, what if someone in trade says “Hey Trîçks, you suck! You can’t heal and your outfit is terrible!”

If I didn’t see it I couldn’t reply, then people might believe those things…

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yeah the four people in here apparently ignore new people on a daily basis and these ignores are just, idk, so important to them? that they need to make the ignore stronger? idk.

I think the reason why he likes it is because he can bypass ignores to harass people.

But that’s Anti-taggers, along with other host of things they sadly do.

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oh well, hello friend.

i just saw your message and thought i would take the time to politely respond.

is this the person to whom you are referring?

Some of these chuckle heads forget, Blizzard WANTS us to give feedback and suggestions on the forums. What irks me is the fake niceties and total disregard of other peoples suggestions. They don’t want to discuss anything. Their ilk want to shut things down because it will interfere with their activities.

It’s the classic “Wall of No” garbage with them.


Yea uh!

Mate, if you’re actually polite, you wouldn’t be dismissing anybody’s concerns or blaming people because you subjectively think the ignore system doesn’t need to be improved. :roll_eyes: If anything, you come off as a bully being fake nice, so i recommend you stop doing that.

And i’m talking about you. You’re the anti-tagger, doobly.