It likely is, but once again they just prove that they could care less about the actual topic and more about getting attention they were denied from others, likely IRL. Maybe instead of trying to get attention here, they should try to make friends either in game or out, unless they are the kind of person that just proves that it is how you treat those when protected by no way of knowing who is on the other end that shows your true nature.
Nu uh
1# on list of last things people ever hear from someone before being put on ignore:
“Welcome to my ignore list” - come on, you know you all have said it.
I can honestly say, I have never said that.
As long as some one is willing to listen to them there will be debate. This is not about debate but about people not wanting to deal with toxic people.
No one here has the right to be heard by everyone else . We only have the right to be heard by those willing to listen to us whether or not they agree or disagree with us does not matter . What does is their williness to to listen . Everyone else has the right to ignore.
The only actual right we have is to say what we want as long as it falls under the CoC of the forums and Blizz decides that.
Yes we all have and by saying so we are telling the person we no longer want to deal with them .
I’m puttingyou on ignore is not a secret code for " Hop to another toon to continue the conversation ". It’s conversation over now go away .
What is even funnier is when those that we or know treat is as code for that., have it done to them, they hate it. Kinda like, yeah doofus, you hate it when it is done to you so why do you do it to others?
Golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Anyone who tries to make this a “applies to you but not to me” is one that really needs to get a life.
And the issue w/ this is?
If there is one, it is likely along the lines of you are telling them so they know to switch alts when it might be better to not say anything and just place them on ignore.
yea it’s weird how these people take offence to being ignored. I guess my statement hold true that this is the only form of human interaction they ever get
aren’t you the one who logged onto an alt to immediately bypass my ignore when i politely informed you that i was placing you on ignore, though?
That kinda requires both to be human.
hey now. 5 year old manchild are considered human too
They at least have the ability to act human from time to time, the lengths some of these posters go to, I can’t help but wonder.
point taken

kinda requires both to be human.

5 year old manchild are considered human too
i genuinely don’t understand why you feel the need to use such harsh language and insult others in this thread… there really is no need to do this.
Is someone hearing a buzzing sound? like a gnat or fly? I keep hearing something but I don’t see anything. Eh, likely just a nuisance that is better of practicing what they preach.
(In all honesty, only reason I know someone is replying to me is cause I can see who replies bad some things are listed as “ignored content”, get the picture?"

only reason I know someone is replying to me is cause I can see who replies bad some things are listed as “ignored content”
oh wait, so you are confirming that you can see “hidden reply” message too when you have someone ignored?
ok thats great news. we have a new person who confirms that we can see hidden messages. this confirms that a person could use the account-wide ignore to find someone’s alts.

- Person A ignores person B (and only person B, no other ignores)
- Person A then looks through the forums to see any hidden messages.
- Person A finds a hidden message, opens it and it shows a character that is not the character that person A ignored.
- This new character is ignored because of account wide ignores and is on the account of person B.
- Person A just found an alt of person B
this is why we cannot have an account wide ignore system in place on the forums… it simply would enable people to harass other forum users in game via finding their alts.
looks like i have proven my verified facts and antiman has confirmed them as being true.
thank you all so much for reading, i really appreciate it. have a lovely day, everyone
Gee, a bug this noisy is just asking to be swatted.

Is someone hearing a buzzing sound?
You mean this? Whatever it’s saying probably not important enough so wont bother opening it. I really wish they also change the forum that they make it into a true ignore