Can we get account wide ignore?

yeah, people constantly mention me and reply to me, then insult me because i have alot of posts in this thread.

i genuinely don’t understand why people act this way, all i’m trying to do is politely communicate my opinion to the forum which all wow players are allowed to use.

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Reminds me of several months back when Titan had a literal argument with his own alt for 50 posts.


WHy are you all (outsite of a few like Grrumm and Ard ) even replying to Doobly .

Just ignore him so he will jump to the next toon . The more he jumps from toon to toon to bypass ignores the more he makes our point for us.


Yup… they are becoming the MVPs of the account wide ignore movements.
They work tirelessly to prove, with every post, why the forums need it.


as far as i can see, im not the one who does this.


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lol. kinda ironic to respond to you then insult you for responding. Been going on way too long.
Wondering what moderation has in mind here with so many glaring CoC violations still sitting up there.

ive seen the responses. lol. Accusing you of malice over being polite while that side has been literally calling names, insulting, etc.
Again, ironic.

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yeah it’s actually kind of unreal… i genuinely don’t understand why they feel the need to behave this way towards me, i have been nothing but nice…

my only mistake here was sharing an opinion that disagreed with them, apparently that is too much for them to handle.

it’s like, was this language really necessary? i really think that it is not.


That is what has caused maybe 12 to 15 of these threads to be shut down over this year. Instead of just doing what some say they want and blocking others, they insult and violate the Code of conduct and sooner or later the thread is locked or 404ed.

A couple of us asked/begged them to stop after the one individual came in and got what was a perfectly peaceable discussion riled up…again.
At a point its no longer worth the discussion anymore after the thread has been savaged this badly.

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somehow WE are the problem here when we DISCUSS the TOPIC, while that side is resorting to THAT behavior every single thread thats made

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then my posts always get flagged.

what could they genuinely see is wrong with this post? i was complimenting ard for making a good post and it gets flagged? i don’t understand

is it really that bad for someone to tell ard that he made a good post?

it is just being polite…i don’t see anything wrong with that.

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People, we should be struggling together.

We are!

Evidently you arent breaking any rules, so it is what it is.
I saw this in your previous quote…

Yeah. Exactly. I had one of them do that exact thing to me in a previous thread. Yelling at me for swapping characters as I HAVE ALWAYS DONE from time to time, while they admitted they intentionally swapped SOLELY for the purpose of getting around the block to keep going at me after I blocked them. lol.
With the ongoing name calling, insulting and admitting to doing what they’re claiming to hate, its hard to take the entire thing seriously anymore.

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And that’s the danger. That kills discussion. That kills debate. That kills discourse. Might as well not even have a forum server at all. Blizzard could sure use the extra nickels taking it down lol.

Echo Chamber Construction Simulator. Imagine a forum world where nobody says anything mean, everyone gets along, and everyone agrees 100% on everything. It’s also human nature that we want to be liked and accepted, that we want our inputs and contributions to matter. We seek attention and validation…

And it comes with the price tag of not being bigger and more influential. It’s not just about how many allies you pick up, but how many enemies you can take down. It’s much more satisfying to school them to ignore them.

No it doesn’t. It creates situations where a few individuals lock themselves out of seeing other individuals no matter how much fear mongering statements about it are made.


Yes, they admitted it, but thye also said:

  1. it was in the past
  2. the did other things by accident
  3. They still take responsibility for their past actions

There are things that seem to escape you and others that might be reasons why people ignore you and others:

  1. taking things out of context
  2. putting words in other people’s mouths
  3. trying to pass off opinion, speculation, or conjecture as fact, this one is evident when they ask for proof from others, but when asked to provide proof, they are like “just trust me bro”
  4. putting other people down or making them feel like idiots even if you are not outright calling them such.

None of these things is technically against the CoC, unless you hit a point where it could be considered harassment or trolling. However, just because it is not against the CoC does not mean you should do it.

Most of us would likely gladly welcome discussion and debate done in good faith, but most that come into these threads, that wind up getting name called and people wanting the ability to ignore, tend to not argue in good faith.

If people want an echo chamber, that is on them, most would likely not ignore that many because we can take differing opinions, we just can’t take having words put in our mouths, having what we say taken out of context, etc.

Which is what those against this kind of thing seem to want more, those of us pushing for account wide ignore and the like could likely care less about schooling enemies and just want to be able to ignore them as dealing with them is like dealing with a brick wall with a needle.


just because someone ignores me doesn’t mean i have to leave the thread.


yes they admitted that they changed characters to bypass an ignore but they also accuse and insult other people with having zero proof:

i think that is quite hypocritical.

Oh, if someone is trying to respond to me, after they said they had put me on ignore. I have to say I might have returned the favor and have them on ignore as well. They did not want to deal with me and I did not want to deal with them, so why are they showing my posts and choosing to reply?


If it’s who I think it is they did the same thing to me last night, loudly announcing they’re ignoring me, then continuing to yammer at me


What happens when you have someone on ignore in a pug you joined? Or join a new guild, not knowing you have a member or 2 on ignore? Or dad walks in your bedroom and tries to yell at you about the mess, but you see his lips move but no sound comes out, because he shares a name with someone you have on ignore… what happens then?

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