Don’t you mean Ritahayworth
They are the same person after all.
posting on alts isnt a rules violation.
Calling people names, as many of your side has been doing for a week now…is.
As I said…it was all VERY cordial until the same name popped up again and then the name calling began. As it has EVERY time this topic comes up.
correct, but using them to sockpuppet and bypass ignores is.
Im allowed to post on ANY of my characters. period. They set it up that way so I could do it.
That DOESNT give YOU permission to call others names, insult, etc…again…PERIOD.
Simply amazing that moderation has allowed this name calling, insulting, ad hominem fest to go on this long.
I’d like to thank you for demonstrating the need for account wide ignore.
Your tireless effort in demonstrating why people need the ability to full block all characters attached to a account has been invaluable.
Touchy much? Did I call you a sock puppet or any names? Yes you have the right to post on any toon you want, and I have the right to block/ignore anything you have to say on all your toons. Period.
Technically, this is true which is EXACTLY why the current system is in need of improvement. That said, if someone is intentionally swapping characters to continue to direct posts at someone who has made it clear they no longer wish to engage together, the moderators would likely take that into account.
Report any posts you feel violate the Code of Conduct and put those players on ignore. Having this silly back and forth only proves further that a true account-wide ignore would help along with brining this forum in-line with the other Blizzard forums with having a single ID attached to every poster.
Exactly, which is why I have thanked him for his tireless support of bringing Account Wide Ignore. They really are the best at demonstrating the need for this.
I’m also thanking them ahead of any changes that may possibly happen so that they can’t reverse course and claim they did it to prove the need.
there was a blue post that was quoted in the most recent btag thread (the one that was unlisted and locked) saying that we are allowed to change characters if needed…
so it really isn’t a system that needs an update if it is working as the blues intended it to work.
(post deleted by author)

Report any posts you feel violate the Code of Conduct
I have been…ever since one person came in and pretty much destroyed the peaceable discussion the rest of us on all sides were having up to that point.
Like how I have certain people on ignore and they still bother to reply to me. Not sure which one, but I stated earlier that I put most of you alts on there.
This is why we need two way ignores.
Honestly, if people are getting so worked up, just mute the thread and leave.

In the absence of any activity from Blizzard, posters tend to turn on each other.
That seems to be an epidemic on social media of all forms. Though I will say that this forum, short of this particular topic, is actually far more docile than pretty much all of the forums and sites I frequent…including a couple that I admin for some 3rd parties.
This forum doesnt actually NEED any more than we have. Just mute the thread.
But personally I WANT an account wide block, two way, with no seeing the forums at all if one isnt logged in with a paid account with the newest expansion purchased on it.
edit…and NO btags showing for all to see, lol. If I want someone to have mine, I’ll give it to them.

AGAIN…that DOES NOT GIVE YOU PERMISSION to attack, demean, insult, deride and post off topic ad hominem in here.
Sorry, I don’t track people’s alts so I have no clue who you are or if you’ve already made it to my ignore list. Nor have I attached anyone or any of that other nonsense. If you feel I have, go ahead and report my post(s).
You’ll be going onto my ignore list now. It would be great if it actually worked to ignore all your characters. You’re certainly no victim here and can also avail yourself of the lack-lust ignore system.
Afternoon support for Account wide ignore for the forums.
Ignore on this site while does work… but there is one issue with it, Discourse treats our characters as seperate accounts and ignoring one character does not apply to all characters in the forums, meaning I only ignore that specific character, if certain folks know this loophole, it can be used in a malicious way such as getting around an ignore by trying to get you to continue to interact with them even though you have no interest for them or to continually harass you to the point where you have to swap alts to get away from it because the ignore does not work as it should. I will admit that I did some ignore evasion but its to prove a point that ignore does in fact need changes to prevent evasion.
If you don’t like being ignored then maybe hear me out… Look into your post history and observe of what got you ignored by some people, were you rude? were you harassing someone? were you trolling? if that was the case then maybe you should better yourself instead of swapping to an alt to force yourself onto people and disrespect their boundaries who explicitly don’t want to engage with you for whatever reason.
I just want to ignore the account it self on the forums, not 5 of your characters.

they still bother to reply to me.
how do you know they reply to you? are you able to view hidden messages?
oh, yes… because everyone is able to view hidden messages of the people they ignore…
this would allow someone to find a person’s alts simply by putting them on ignore and searching for hidden messages if account-wide ignore were implemented…
so we have to hope that account-wide ignore never gets implemented because it would not be healthy for the community of wow.

just mute the thread and leave.
i don’t think the proper response is to tell people to leave the thread… it seems like you are just trying bully people away from sharing their opinions.