i was a little heavy on the sarcasm there i guess. but what i meant by “that feature existed since the beginning of time” was that they just need to ignore by either not reading the poster and not replying. blizzard adding an actual ignore feature is not necessary. seems childish to me.
I would be in favor of it, because it effectively ends quarrels that would otherwise keep going. But what it does at the same time is artificially create an echo chamber. When the only posts you see of people are those who say all the right and agreeable things, you don’t get to read anything from the other side(after the fact of those you preemptively ignore).
It would just take ONE POST that doesn’t rub you quite right and bam: ignore. But you don’t get to see whether that person might post comments or threads about things that may interest you later on. It would divide the community and tribalize it. And what kind of an MMO is that supposed to be?
That two people who enjoy WoW to the level of being on the forums to begin with is not common enough ground? In theory it should be. We laugh because we must not cry; if we didn’t quarrel like we do, Blizzard might as well convert WoW into a no-Internet-connection-required single player game because we wouldn’t have a community at all. That’s not saying it has to be quarreling ALL the time, but when the quarrels do happen, that’s supposed to be better than nothing at all. And drama is life with the dull bits cut out.
With great power comes great responsibility. When you ignore people without the right cause, you’re invalidating your own existence in the community of an MMO yet at the same time, your enthusiasm level is still high enough to find similar others to discuss all things WoW.
My own ganking business is ruined because people have left Retail in droves. The Hunter is nothing without the Hunt; if there’s nothing to hunt, I am nothing. You can’t PvP without players, period. If I had the kind of toxic personality that discouraged players overall of bothering, I’d be out of a job. So despite my name, it’s in my best interest and advantage as a professional ganker to keep people in WoW, voluntarily and without the fear of the banhammer.
Every other mmo with a forum and the vast majority of forums that exist.
Also your points don’t make sense, you say it would tribalize the forums but people already ignore people now.
They already don’t want the opinions of certain people, how does alt hopping suddenly make me agree with the persons view or suddenly agree with how they act or whatever if they are on toon 1 or toon 2?
We have people now ignoring like it was account wide, just trolls and sockpuppets can get around it.
Which is odd because unlike grade school or prison, people don’t have to be here. There’s no special advantage of organizing oneself into cliques in any MMO. And when I mean cliques, the formations of other forum users that can expect to get along a nominal 100% of the time.
Because you don’t know if people you can’t stand might help you get MORE out of the game.
A certain Aussie Velenite who does have a very bad reputation in-game and in RL with people was the same that “birthed me posthumously” as Nietzsche would put it. Sometimes the worst people you know can actually bring out the BEST in you and such that exceeds that of others.
I’m talking about a perfect forum ignore where it basically reformats threads to prevent you from seeing ANYTHING from the ignored. Like if you ignored me and my post is the last, you wouldn’t know I made a post after the second-to-last one. That was what I was talking about.
They may try to ADJUST to you and see if they can get some other kind of response, to size you up better. I actually have done this myself lol, and it does work.
You can attract better with honey rather than vinegar. You can’t tell if the right things said were said in disingenuousness or sarcasm.
Blizzard can effectuate that a better way as what I had in mind: put in some code that reconfigures post and thread entries to the extent that the ignored do not exist at all while ignored. Easier said than done, I suppose.
Edit: So it’s a risk to have that kind of doctrine. I’ve never been the kind of person that ignores because 1) I never felt that CoC was broken in a clear-and-present-dangerous way, 2) there’s an ulterior reason people say certain things that I can easily find out, and 3) I’m just not that ugly of a person to INCITE people to do things I would have to ignore them for.
Both parties have to accept their share of the responsibility in the event of an ignoring. When it’s done in a responsible way, the trolls and sockpuppeting would be less likely, but done in an irresponsible way, the circumventing is very likely.
This x10.
I mean correct me if I’m wrong here but don’t most forums work like this aswell?
If I ignore jackalswind for whatever reason, why would I want to see your messages?
I would say a portion of people are too ignore happy and just whining about someone disagreeing but the times where it matters should absolutely be a full black out.
Like the only arguement agaisnt account ignores is “I want to bypass someones ignore”. The end. That’s it. The proof is forums still functions on a very very very large scale outside of wow, with account ignores.
It only “screens” it out, but you can see that I made a post or thread. I honestly don’t think that’s good enough for the sheer intent of ignoring, but I also understand that esoterically, there are risks that it would delegitimize the online experience.
I’m fully agreeable to this. I love a good scrap as much as anyone. But there are points where it goes too far. And typically, I don’t know that unignoring is a popular thing to do. It tends to be permanent.
I’d rather not see ignoring happen at all, quite frankly. Like I said, both people are responsible for why it happens. We can never assume that the ignorer and neither the ignored are pure as the driven snow. An inability to resolve a conflict before it has run its course is a potential weakness, and that which can be exploited. The real world will and may already be harsh to them.
So ignoring is something done wisely and not foolishly. If anyone is going to be a donkey about ignoring, I 110% support the choice in bypassing that. Because I guarantee it that allowing people to be a donkey that way, will make the donkeyed behavior worse. We can’t let it get into their heads…
It’s almost like if you choose to take the high road with people, people may take the high road with you. Do unto others?
It’s quite remarkable in all my years of WoW, and for all my MMO sins, I never had been bypassed as I never foolishly ignored someone. I’m quite the terribad bear-poker.
And that’s probably a good thing. Otherwise, this small indie developer may consider saving much needed money shutting down the forum servers, however much that cost them. It might not be a lot. That’s already self-evident in the removal of human mods lol.
Oh ok, thought it was the other way around.
Alright I do have to sleep, I work nights but I will say one thing.
The problem with disagreeing with account ignores is that the onus is on the person disagreeing to prove every other forum/social media/basically any communication platform wrong.
Intricacies of how the ignore would “function” could be debated but at this point the wow forum is a old flip phone and every other forum is the latest smart phone.
I’m skeptical to take anyone seriously that claims a flip phone > smart phone. There is no other reason than malice.
Anyone here can go READ the thread from the beginning and SEE for themselves that it was VERY cordial UNTIL ONE poster showed up…again…and then it turned into this dumpster fire again after a list of people started with the off topic name calling, insulting, etc crap yet again.
It had nothing to do with disagreeing with a better block that caused this thread to spiral.
the insults and ad hominems from one side caused ALL of that.
You use the forum tools to report violations. Thats how it done. Its not our job to ‘call out’ anyone here. Its OUR job to stick to the topic and not violate forum rules like these.
- Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
- Making non-constructive posts
personally I am for a total black out two way block and no viewing the forums if one logs out to keep them from seeing my posts that way.
Current model flip phones have plenty of functionality if thats all one needs, however.
The phones main use is making calls and texting. a flip phone does that just fine.
This forums main functionality is to be able to discuss the game with other gamers.
It does that more than well enough, even if the software is buggy.
A block isnt anything that even is actually required ifyou want to be technical.
If everyone obeys the rules, no rules are violated, no block is needed anyway.
If one doesnt obey the rules, one is reported and removed. Again, no need for a block.
The block is a matter of convenience for most of us.
I dont NEED the black out two way block in here. I can mute threads. I just WANT the block, personally
I’m 24/7 on-call and I haven’t been called in yet myself. But I need to sleep too as well.
Well said, and I’ve been in other forums too that I wish WoW’s was run like theirs. I missed actual human mods that would engage in the threads and give the good ol’ polite and proper “let’s keep this on topic please” and sensible people respected it.
I do believe that malice is, is what malice does. At the most benign level, I think that doing anything that takes something away from someone, such as account access in-game or here on the forums, is malicious. By hook or crook, we all pay the same sub fees. We all pay to keep the lights on at Irving. I believe in rules, but I also believe in discretion as a “Neutral Good” kind of person. Unfortunately, that means that anything is or close to Lawful Evil are the forumers I have problems with. They will be the ones who would seize authoritarian power and practically dominate this game’s [official] community, whilst depriving people of the nonrefundable sub money so the game continues to be supported at the expense of the banned.
Offhand, I did look at Microsoft’s CoC and actually found it viable, if indeed they have their own people doing the police work AND there’s no corruption, that it works as intended. Should the Microsoftening happen, a lot of the status quo of the current subject matter could go away.
I thought Blizz handled the moderation out of their Austin Texas office
You would be correct. Discourse provided the software, moderation is handled from the Austin Campus
Then don’t call out people if you don’t want to but don’t try to criticize people that do because of their bad behaviors, pretty simple eh.
I read the thread. I know exactly who has been doing what in here.
So do I, people like you are the ones that are hiding on lowbie alts, jumping alt to alt to bypass people who ignore you, trolling, etc. I mean I get why you’d be against people calling you out for doing that but since you are deal with it.
Why are you engaging with Aeon again?
Because I know exactly who it is and the fact they act like it’s wrong to call them out for the bad behaviors they have is annoying, not to mention they @ me first not the other way around.