Can we get account wide ignore?

well i just directly told you that i placed you on ignore and then you bypassed that ignore by directly replying and quoting me.

so i am also going to report you and place this character on ignore as well.

Thing is Antiman, reason why he is against it, because he wants to continue bypassing the ignore and trolling the forums. He did it 6 times already. When people stop replying to him, he’ll switch to a new alt, and repeat the same process. And it is getting to the point where his trolling, along with others such as Ard and Rita, are aiming to get the thread shut down with no concequences, as they have done with the BTags threads, and blame us.

We all try to ignore them, but they just keep switching. They don’t care about anyone else except for themselves.



Correction: You should’ve used a Roman Forum image.


The Roman Forums were great as long as your name isn’t Caesar

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Yes but I probably would of been stabbed

Et Tu Brute


The trolls would do that when they switch to 52 alts.


I’m basically showing you the kink within the armor that is this “perfect” ignore you talk about is flawed and yet you decide to ignore it.


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Thing is, nothing well ever really be “perfect”, there will always be something that could be made better or fixed.

I will not say the system is perfect, but it is good enough that we don’t need to throw the whole system out and instead work on covering the weak spots or holes in the “armor”.

I only have 20 on my ignore list, but a fair few of them are all alts of the same person, in other words I could cut down my ignore list and free up space on it with account wide ignore.

Well this has certainly been an entertaining weekend read.

Amusingly I just tried to look myself up on Check-PvP, and the site told me I didn’t exist.


Don’t worry. Sometimes even the forums treat me like I never existed.

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That would be a setting you must have manually enabled.

I have enabled no settings to hide my profile that I can remember.

Maybe I should have a look.

This one’s in your account settings, not any specific game or forum.

We would tell you fully here, but there is a couple of forum trolls here trying to work it out, since they keep switching alts to bypass the ignores to continuing the trolling.


Anyways, since it is almost 1pm, and I’m tired, here is support for:

  • Account wide ignores
  • Account wide flags
  • Account wide likes
  • Account wide total post count
  • Account wide trust levels

It is time to be one person on one account, not 1 person on unlimited accounts.


Aha, I think I found it. It’s been so long since I went in there I forgot some of the settings I had made.

Eh, not like I make any use of those sites anyways.

I know Ayu, but how many times have I been the one to engage them and more or less try to get them to reveal their true colors to others? I could care less about what happens to me, as long as I take them down with me.

Both sides of these debates are fighting for control or sanity on the forums, I considering a win for us if they show their true colors to those not yet on a side or are in the middle, as it is them that will likely determine what happens in the end.

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The classic “keep giving them rope” strategy.

Good choice.

Only fails if someone catches on, but most of the time it works as too many are too egocentric to even consider they might be getting played. But is is one of the strats that tends to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.