Can we get account wide ignore?

unfortunately, i am still going to have to disagree with you here…

account wide ignore will allow people on the forums to search for others’ alts and the current ignore system works perfectly.

earlier tonight, someone logged on an alt and i just ignored the alt, no problems whatsoever… worked perfectly for me :slight_smile:

i still don’t see what all the fuss is about with the current system

Yes, so much yes, only shady people would be against this and well those people are really easy to identify because legit they don’t even try to hide it.

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personally, any normal forum user who doesn’t have an issue with clicking the ignore button more than once would have no issue with the current system.

does someone log onto an alt after you told them that you ignored them, then they directly reply to you?

no problem, just ignore their alt and then report it. problem solved, no issues here :slight_smile:

Yeah, I get it, you are against it because you are one of the shady people, thanks for the unneeded confirmation.

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i dont see the need for you to insult me, i was simply sharing my opinion.

i still hope you have a wonderful evening :slight_smile:

Is it really an insult when it’s the truth, further than that you and people like you take everything as an insult just because people want to be able to ignore you once and never have to deal with your harassment, trolling, stalking, etc. again I mean I get it you are against that because you have bad behavior but it doesn’t mean the rest of us should have to put up with it.


first of all, its not the truth… so you saying that to me is even more of an insult.

i was completely friendly and polite to you, there is no reason for you to insult me.

all i did was share an opinion that you disagree with, that is not a reason to insult your fellow human being…

And you know this how?

well no one else is joining this forum thread or even talking about it outside of the four or five people.

I think he is talking about his thousand alts.

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oh i see, another accusation and insult… lovely.

why am i being insulted? because i shared an opinion that is different than yours?

oh, blinders…

I don’t see it so it doesn’t exist, right?


OMG, an alt is an insult now? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I’m insulted that I’m still posting from my main.

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Honestly give it a rest, I like a lot of other people don’t buy your fake friendly act, admittedly I thought you was alright at first but with interacting with you I’ve realized it’s all fake and that’s cringe.

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look, i was friendly to you, there is no need for you to be so rude and insult me.

what is your reason for insulting me?\

sometimes people just don’t agree… disagreements happen, but that is not a reason to treat someone poorly.

you should always be nice to people because deserve respect.

i hope you have a lovely evening, friend :slight_smile:

Because you deserve it?


so you’re saying that i deserve to be insulted?

Everyone, stop feeding the troll. You’ll end up having no food left if you keep feeding the troll.


yeah. You brought it on yourself. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.