Yeah, somethings have changed over time in here.
wait…in game? lol
Im looking in here

wait…in game? lol
yeah in game lol…
if u have that checked in game, websites like check-pvp can’t put your alts together because they don’t show the same achievements.
so blizzard knows that some people don’t want their alts to be linked to their mains and gave us this option… so i don’t see them giving the forums account wide ignore or visible btags.
oh for pity sake. ive been looking in here lol

do you even have any proof people are doing this?
The thing is, it is hard to prove either way, outside of suspicions and personal experiences.
However, I am one that has to ask “why do some feel the need to change characters after one has been ignored by someone when they can keep talking to others without the change?”
if the only reason you change characters is to get people to respond or notice you, because they have that character on ignore, you are going against the spirit of the ignroe system just to get your jollies.

“why do some feel the need to change characters after one has been ignored by someone when they can keep talking to others without the change?”
well you just said you don’t have proof, only suspicion

it is hard to prove either way, outside of suspicions

i personally don’t see the issue…
So the cap of how many people you can ignore is 50 right (correct me if I’m wrong)?
Hypothetically, my alts are taking up 5 spots, to you it doesn’t matter but to me, it matters.
You can’t truly ignore someone here, they can relentless swap alts to try to get you to interact with you by force or to harass you relentlessly to the point that you have to alt swap to get away from it because Vrak said it himself to someone to do it because there is no way truly ignore that individual here in this site. This is WHY this thread exists is to make it so you can truly ignore the individual in question without them jumping on their numerous alts to evade your ignore.
Doobly, this is the current system you are championing and defending, you say things like “It works fine”, “its perfect” and “it doesn’t need any changes” when I have showed you how your Ignore can be bypassed by simply swapping characters on this site, all you do is dismiss any sort of actual valid feedback that can help this site improve to make it so we can truly ignore people.
Also your “facts” don’t hold any weight and I have questions for you, who is willing to spend hours of their life trying to find alts of someone they ignores through this forum when you have site called Check-pvp can find someone’s alts within seconds?
Just admit you don’t want account wide ignore in this site my man because you fear that you would lose the ability to swap characters to get force yourself onto people that have ignored and it can be grounds for harassment.

you have site called Check-pvp can find someone’s alts within seconds?
well blizzard gave us the option of “display only character achievements to others” because they know people don’t always want their alts linked to their mains…
so i don’t see blizzard giving you account wide ignore because it will allow people to identify alts of people they ignore.
you can’t find people’s alts on check-pvp if they check “display only character acheivements to others.”

You can’t truly ignore someone here
yeah you can, u just click the ignore button… it works perfectly fine for me and literally thousands of other forum users who never complain about it.
Thing that people have confirmed happens from both sides of things “you can’t prove this!”
Thing that may or may not work at all, would require a whole ton of effort to do, and is of limited utility: Totally going to happen and rain terror down on the player base, it’s a fact!

“you can’t prove this!”

I agree with your assessment and concern about being able to search the 'hidden reply" thing. It IS a concern.
i’m not the only one who agrees that you could find alts using hidden messages with the account wide ignore function (if blizzard did implement it, which they likely won’t do because they gave us the “display only character achievements to others” in order to allow people to prevent others from linking their characters together)

forego visible Btags
I wonder, do some of you realize that if you went to any of the other Blizzard forums, you’d be posting with said btag?
You guys’ act like its “personal information”, yet this is blizzards only forum that just happens to not use it.

so i don’t see blizzard giving you account wide ignore because it will allow people to identify alts of people they ignore.
So what if it does, they likely have reasons for ignoring them on one character. If your argument is this, it is a weak one as if they want to ignore you on one character, they likely just want to ignore you on others and won’t do anything else with the information.
Also, ever think that some of us want the account wide to be on our side? like if I ignore you on my paladin, that I also want to ignore you on my hunter or mage or druid?
It all just comes down to wanting to ignore people we find toxic to our presence on the forums, and knowing that changing the mask does not get rid of how toxic they are/have been to us.

do some of you realize that if you went to any of the other Blizzard forums, you’d be posting with said btag?
which is why i never go post on those forums… and i believe blizzard knows that, which is why we dont have btags on wow.
because wow is their most popular game and people have told them they don’t want btags on the wow forums.

It all just comes down to wanting to ignore people we find toxic to our presence on the forums
but why do you think that you have such a big problem with these people on the forums? i very rarely ever ignore anyone, so little in fact, that this issue has never crossed my mind.
did you ever ask yourself, why do you find the need to ignore people so much more often?

I come into these threads literally to help them get account wide blocks, just no visible btag / account ID # and somehow I end up being attacked every time anyway lol
Yet you still come in and go

You’ve convinced me. They are fine as is.
One side of your mouth you are saying we need account wide ignores and out the other you are going the forum is fine as it is .
So which is it ?

So which is it ?
the forums are fine as they are.

i’m not the only one who agrees that you could find alts using hidden messages with the account wide ignore function
it works, I tried it for maybe half hour the other night. Its sketchy, as in doesnt show every single post it could, but yeah, it works.
I made that change in game, doesnt seem to affect check-pvp at all.
For me the biggest thing here, as I said, Im not of the view that this forum itself is that bad so I dont believe it needs to be changed.
But if theyre going to give me a 100% blackout facebook type block, Im not going to be upset about it. lol.

so i don’t see blizzard giving you account wide ignore because it will allow people to identify alts of people they ignore.
Again I asked this question that you dodged.
Who is willing to spend hours and hours of their days digging through this site finding multiple alts of multiple people you have ignored when it can be easily done through other means in short of amount of time (such as Check-pvp)?

yeah you can
No you can’t.
Discourse treats our characters as seperate accounts.
Combine Retail, Classic era and WOTLK classic, I can have about 160 accounts (which is our WoW characters) here in one sub.
No matter how hard you ignore me, I can continually swapping characters at will and you can’t nothing about it.
This the system your championing by the way.
You can't truly ignore someone in this site

I made that change in game, doesnt seem to affect check-pvp at all.
it won’t if your alts were already linked on check-pvp because they have already been linked.
but i have had that box checked on all my characters since before check-pvp was invented, so you could never see my alts on check-pvp

I can continually swapping characters at will and you can’t nothing about it.
and i don’t see the issue with that because i am always simply able to click the ignore button should you continue to bother me on another character.
why is it such a big deal for you to click the ignore button more than once?
i just simply don’t understand the problem, my friend