Can we get account wide ignore?

btags just add a whole new set of problems to the wow gaming community.

  1. gold sellers can find their btags on the forums and send spam advertisements to bnets.
  2. people can find everyone’s private btag on the forum and send them bnet invites maliciously.

In game Ive got to be at limit for ignores and if there is a limit in here Im probably close to it here too.

counting every single one of these threads, Im going to guesstimate the total number of pro Btag Ive seen at maybe 20 tops ?
I mean, that assumes each account was a unique user.

Personally I dont see this forum being that bad enough to make this a big issue, But if youre asking me what my preferences are, yeah, 100 % total blackout where I block someone and we never see each other again in here as well as that block carrying over into the game.

I come into these threads literally to help them get account wide blocks, just no visible btag / account ID # and somehow I end up being attacked every time anyway lol

Is Khrog making things up now that will never happen?


now we have a person asking for btags again

which i think is just a bad idea.

Im ok with btags being used, I just dont personally want them visible to anyone on the forum. If I want someone having mine, I’ll give it to them.

Do any of them do anything else about this?


i don’t want my btag to be shown either… it is my account information and i choose to not share it with anyone on the forums for a reason.

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Probably not. All I ever see them do is troll the forums.

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Most of us likely get along with most on the forums, but there are those that seem to think they need to be the schoolyard bully and try to get under our skin. We just want to be able to say “ok, you are nothing but a troll/bully to me, so I am putting you where you belong, on my ignore list.” without having them show up with a new “mask” to start the BS all over again.


So much this.


if that were the case, then you wouldn’t be complaining that the ignore system isn’t secure enough for you, right?

i enjoy having this discourse with you, my friend… it is lovely to hear someone else’s perspective on the matter :slight_smile:

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I think most here are wiling to forego visible Btags IF we can get a block.
I agree with your assessment and concern about being able to search the 'hidden reply" thing. It IS a concern. I just dont think its going to matter much because, as you can see, they can already find the alts on your account at Check-pvp, so this is a non issue really.

My btag is my account ID. If I dont give it to someone, I dont want them having it.

but u can hide your alts from check-pvp by checking the “show only character achievements” in the interface.

I’ll have to look at that and see, then. :+1:

If people did not subvert the ignore system, we would not be complaining about the system not being good enough. That is the issue, we could care less about somethings, but why do people think they can get away with getting around ignores instead of just moving on?


i mean, if anything, we should be making a thread asking blizzard to hide its data on the armory better so that people don’t make websites like check-pvp

do you even have any proof people are doing this?

Yeah, you for starters.


Im not seeing that option, to be honest.
I do have “Hide my public profile and presence features” checked.
maybe something Im not seeing yet.

they must have changed the name of it since i last looked.

oh wait, i just looked… go into the ESC menu, click options…

then go to social, there is a tab called “Display only character achievements to others.”

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