Can we get account wide ignore?

Time to add my character to the list.

  1. Hwanwok-Ysera

  2. Hwanevoker-Ysera

  3. Hwanwok-Dalaran

  4. Hwanrogue-Ysera

  5. Hwanpriest-Ysera

It is getting out of hand don’t you think? the fact that if you hypothetically ignore me, I’m taking up 5 spots hypothetically.


i personally don’t see the issue… if a person on the forums says something that i don’t want to hear, then i just ignore them… if another person comes and says something else i don’t want to hear, i just click the ignore button again.

it’s not that big of a burden to cllick the ignore button more than once.

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Careful. They’ll write down all your alts and stalk them. They’re admitting to that.


In addition to that, they fear it will happen to them and while they want to do it to others, they don’t want others to do it to them.

In short they want to be free of having their BS thrown back in their faces, which would not happen if they did not throw it in the first place.

I’ve been saying this throught the thread.

It’s amazing how one can get a feel for people after being around 50+ years

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Nit even that long, once you notice soemthing you start to pick up a “me thinks he doth protests too much” mindset, and the more someone protests against something, the more you start to wonder if they are the ones to pull that which is being protested against.

Fair enough

Kind of like

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maybe you can help me understand the problem you currently have with the ignore system?

is it really that big of a burden for you to click the ignore button more than once?

for me, it doesn’t seem like a big issue honestly… and i genuinely don’t really find that i need to ignore people that much.

maybe we’re just different people and you enjoy ignoring people, while i don’t.

I wouldn’t throw there BS back at them, I just want to ignore there entire account and them not bypassing the ignore to continue with the trolling.


amazing how some people have such a problem with such a little thing as that


As would most of us, but we are talking about people that tend to assume the worst because it what they would do.


i genuinely don’t understand what the problem is?

i dont ignore people that often… why are you ignoring people so often that you feel the need to start a thread about it multiple times?

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The problem is we ignore one of their characters, the change it and continue harassing and trolling us.

To put it in to perspective, say I ignore you on that character because you started being rude to me or I saw that we were getting no where, you then switch characters and continue the discussion when I more or less said “I am done with you” and you start off by being rude and disrepectful on the new character, why do I have to ignore the new one just because you could not let me be?


They can stalk me all they want. Not like they can do anything about it

ok just take a look at this problem from my perspective…

i very rarely put people on ignore, so its a non-issue for me.

there are roughly four, maybe five people in this thread that say we need account wide ignore.

there are thousands of other people on the forums that seem to get along without account wide ignore and never even think about it or even have a desire to ask for it in this thread.

why is it that me and thousands of other people very rarely ignore people but the four/five people asking for account wide ignore apparently ignore people so often that the regular ignore system is not sufficient?

i just don’t understand that, my friend :slight_smile:

“Please, take a look at this issue from the perspective of the problem and see how it would completely ruin the forums”


friend i am just trying to understand why you five people seem to need to ignore people on a daily basis while the thousands of other forum users (including myself) so very rarely use the ignore system that it doesn’t even cross our minds?

It might not be that we ignore people that ofte, but that our ignore list is mostly alts of one we ignored and we might feel the need because these people are getting arond our ignore by posting on alts to HARASS us.


but why do you think that you have these people who you need to ignore while everyone else seems to get along fine without constantly ignoring everyone they see on the forums?

thank you for your input, i believe that us having a disagreement really helps because it allows us to view the world from a different perspective and that is a good thing :slight_smile:

Screw it, lets just add BTags to the forums and call it a day. Then people can’t hide themselves anymore.