Can we get a response on Hunter Feign death

The DR thing was an intentional change in 1.12 afaik. Not a fan of it but that is what it is. FD bug needs fixing desperately.

Fade doesnā€™t seem to be workingā€¦ Or since Iā€™m a noob with priestā€™s I may be doing it wrong.

Fade is like Disengage or Veint, just a 1 time threat loss.

Say you are at 100 threat, and fade does -10 threat, and the tank is at 80 threat. You fade, and you are at 90 threat, still above tank.

Fade isnā€™t a threat reset.

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Thank you! I am loving that Shadowmeld has just a 10 second cool down.

Hope people are consistently submitting bug reports on this. Preferably before I get to 30 :wink:

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Iā€™m pretty sure they will fix it but they have other priorities since BGā€™s are not even out yet.

Would be nice to see an acknowledgement like they did for the layering issue

Adding my support as well to this thread . This is a serious issue that makes me not want to play Hunter at all for vanilla.

Also adding to the crew of Old School Hunters complaining. I was Rank 11 vanilla and Gladiator in Burning Crusade. My vanilla videos are lost to the internet, but my BC era ones are still up on WCM. I can assure all of you this IS a serious and game breaking issue that needs to be fixed.

On a side note, Plops! I remember your video. Your original video was the first Hunter PvP video I watched as a new hunter leveling up. I used it as reference on how to PvP back then lol. :heart_eyes:


How long does it take to drop combat after FD? If it is less than a second my hunter had to deal with that plenty of times thanks to latency in vanilla. The macro also wouldnt work all the time for me and I had to spam it. I honestly donā€™t understand the problem specifically as the OP complained without giving details.

Bumping this cause wth

Can you at least respond and tell us hunters you arenā€™t fixing it blizzard so we can stop wasting our time?
again, so much for #nochanges

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plz fix plz fix plz fix plz fix plz fix plz fix plz fix plz fix