Hunter feign death is not working properly, as 20 other threads have outlined.
This affects every aspect of the class as interplay with feign death is so vital to the hunter experience, ESPECIALLY in vanilla.
This is a huge bug for us.
Urgent attention is needed… can we please get a response?
Even a “we are looking into a solution but have no announcement at this time” would be appreciated… or tell us “working as intended” so we can go ahead and save time and reroll a class that isn’t broken.
AFAIK from the hunters I’m playing with they have to do a few things to get it to work.
- Recall Pet back to them > Place on Passive > Stop Autoshoot
- Wait a few seconds
- Feign Death
- Wait a second
- Lay a trap
They’ve not had any problems doing it manually like this. Sure it takes longer than the stupid fast/instant Macro-Trap that used to work but honest, I feel like that was more of one of those unintended “Clever use of game mechanics” that went the way of the dodo with a modern game engine that doesn’t rely on your personal client to determine if you’re in combat
This is a massive bug that affects all situations requiring the agile tactics that FD includes.
To the poster above saying you can simple take off pet for a few seconds, etc, is completely ignorant of the purpose of the skill - to immediately feign death.
Blizzard this needs a fix ASAP.
Fix this bug, hunter is dead in the water in PVP as soon as people figure out how to exploit this bug
Ironic that you chose this example, since Mages HAVE dealt with this for years in Vanilla.
Pathing was terribly inconsistent back then. You could sometimes blink and be fine, or you could sometimes blink and go 1 foot before slamming into an invisible wall.
Same deal with Warrior charging. I could sometimes charge straight through a wall, or up the sheer face of a cliff. I could also sometimes get stopped on a particularly stubborn patch of weeds.
Blink worked. Your positioning/aiming sucked. Not related at all.
It’s like disengaging into a hill and complaining that you moved 2 feet. Everyone just says “duh” and moves on.
what’s wrong with fd, the resists?
Honestly, I get that you’re irked but having to actually plan out your moves that can only be used out of combat and play them out sounds like it’s working as intended to me.
If Blizz comes out and says “Oops, we messed up” then cool, fine, I’m cool with that but it really seems like this is simply something you’ll have to plan out more carefully in the future instead of being able to rely on using an out of combat ability in combat at will.
Blink was buggy back in vanilla. If you were moving forward on terrain that had even the slightest of inclines you would often find your blink not moving you at all, or even moving you backwards. It happened frequently enough on my alt mage for me to still remember how angry it made me all these years later.
I will say this though, if the whole FD/Trap thing is broken that is a huge loss for hunters in pvp. I used to abuse the hell out of that, and I can’t really imagine how one would work around it in fast paced pvp situations. Fortunately for me, I’m playing a rogue in classic so I don’t have to worry about it.
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I’ve seen some Hunters state they are going to table their toon until this is fixed. I’m looking at it differently: I plan on working through it and adapting. Get to level 60 and when it is fixed, and it will be if it isn’t working as they intend, I’ll feel buffed, and have a lvl 60 Hunter.
What is the issue, I’m leveling slow and haven’t had a chance to get FD yet. Should I be worried? 
They can’t FD to drop combat immediately to put down the ice trap with a macro. Spell batching delayed whole thing and ruined the ice trap trick.
it doesn’t drop combat. You have to drop combat to place a trap. It’s essential for PVP to create distance
There used to be a macro that let you feign death and immediately drop a trap. Now there’s a delay which gives an enemy enough time to put you back into combat so you can’t trap them.
Delay on exiting combat when using feign.
So you feign to trap melee on top of your face, they can melee you and put you back in combat before you can drop a trap.
Hmmm… Maybe I did do that now that I think more. Ignore me.
Sounds annoying.
Blizzard Dev’s feign death skills are on point.
I don’t play a hunter and never have but if you can’t see the massive problem with having an ability like that take seconds in PvP, where in vanilla it was instant, you really should just not reply to the thread. This is a major issue for the class and needs to be addressed.
This is the second time you are commenting on stuff you have no clue about. Please stop…
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