Can we get a response on Hunter Feign death

If they claim this works as intended, then their intention was never to recreate vanilla wow. I’m sure it’ll get fixed, eventually.

I’ll continue to help remind them, I only rolled hunter with the intention to pvp

Maybe, but scatter dr’s trap in 1.12 because the developers are absolute donkeys.

So that’s not a solution. And it still wouldn’t fix the bug anyways.

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Frost trap with 5/5 entrapment is more effective against melees than freezing FYI

I’d strongly recommend reconsidering that decision while you’re low level. Could be a long wait.

You wouldn’t be able to frost trap either with the feign bug.

Also, mages, etc.

Who was that goober trolling all the time in general forums.

Can’t remember his name. Rat something or another.

Is this him?

We were undefeated wsg team in vanilla making heavy use of frost + 5/5 entrapment in pvp. It is also effective in solo fights as it allows multiple peels per trap potentially

Pls respond

Yes this is going to be a big problem regardless of frost or freezing trap

Scatter DRs trap in this patch from what I’ve read, so it doesn’t seem like it’s that useful to me, at least for creating space 1v1. 4 second scatter vs 5 second DR’d trap.

5/5 entrapment is all well and good, but freezing trap is the Everyman reset.

Edit: or it was in vanilla anyway. Not so much in classic.

There’s a lot of times when freezing is better than 5/5 entrapment frost.

For example, paladins. #horde problems

Do it to a rogue and they can still blind you and reset. If you freeze a rogue, they will be incapacitated long enough for you to do an aimed and potentially land a kill, if they are low enough. Just an example.

Regardless, theres no points to debating pros and cons of trap types and talents. The issue is with feign death.

If I remember right the majority of raid bosses resisted feign death in vanilla, our hunter when pulling or trying to separate bosses usually just died due to it.

Completely unrelated to issue. No one here is talking about feign death resisting.

Shared DR and if they reclose it can be bad. Frost you can get multiple roots on multiple people with. It procs like absolutely crazy

Just stop posting lol. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Your tears are making me feel happy

The macro was spammable so it was more or less dropping the trap while your death animation was happening. It was very rare for an enemy to hit me again quickly enough to prevent the trap from dropping.

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This is correct