Can we get a Gay racial leader already?

Story Forum is just a bunch of people comparing scars fighting over a bowl of diarrhea and Yven off to the side rambling off a way more interesting version of the game.


I honestly think the romantic angles for racial leaders generally detract or add nothing to the story.

I don’t give a damn if Baine and Mayla or Lor’themar and Thalyssria are together. It doesn’t make them more interesting. You need one or two romantic stories every now and again, but it doesn’t need to be an element for 99% of characters in the game. It also feels campy to pair up every racial leader with some other leader or limelight character.

A story about royalty falling for a criminal or peasant can be interesting because of inherent conflicts, but not Mary Sue and Gary Stu getting together to make Mary Stu Juniors.


So question…this apparently happens to the OP fairly often then from what I’m reading, so does the OP ever actually respond after the threads are moved over here into the story forums?

Well, let’s be honest: The game has always attracted homophobes and still has heavy homophobic content.

There’s your answer, a called out puppet appears!

Wait… Didn’t we already have this? Weren’t they sending love letters to each other? Didn’t Baine send Anduin part of his horn, or am I remembering that wrong?

It’s not something that only happens for this particular OP, it’s gay threads made by anyone. If someone makes a thread about wanting more gay characters, no matter who the OP is it’ll be moved here. Most of the time the people from GD stop posting in the thread when that happens.

Pretty much what I thought. If these threads were actually made in good faith, their OP’s would continue the discussion even when moved to the correct forums section. Thank you for the confirmation though.

It also adds another problem.

How are people going to react when you kill them?

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This’s a biggie.

Except we keep responding to them, so they’re not actually dead.

Whoops, I just did it too.


literally no reason to make this game political just to appease the LGBTQ community.

Honestly, I would probably be dumping them here as well if I was a mod. The story forum, despite how toxic they/we are about everything else, have a way of sanitizing these threads into something digestible.

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Oh yay, another GD thread blizzard has dumped into the story forums.

Simply existing is not “political” and even if it was, Warcraft has always had minor politics. It has been so since at least Warcraft 3 when it managed to actually tell more compelling stories.

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