Can we get a blue post on tusks purchased by non plate classes?

Here is blue post

And here*1liir9b*_gcl_au*MTQ5OTk2Mjk0NS4xNzE3MDMxMjEw*_ga*NTcxMzMxMDc4LjE3MTcwMzEyMTA.*_ga_VYKNV7C0S3*MTcxNzYxMDE0OC40NC4xLjE3MTc2MjA0ODkuNS4wLjA.

Why would that be okay, when the tooltip on the item has no class restrictions, meaning any class would be able to learn the Tusks? Sorry, but I’m going to be pretty unhappy if they don’t bother to fix this before the end of the event.

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Its a plate appearance.

Aaaand? This was Blizzard’s idea, not mine, that the tusks be learnable by any class during this event. It’s what they indicated was happening, and now they should deliver, and sooner rather than later. It’s being worked on anyway, they’ve stated that, so I have no idea why you’re still here whinging about it like you have some sort of axe to grind.

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Just hang onto them. If they fix it while remix is still running they fix it. If not, you can learn them when TWW prepatch drops.