Can we get a blue post on tusks purchased by non plate classes?

I was wanting to buy tusks on my monk, but now I’m hearing that i won’t be able to add them to my transmogs unless im on a class that wears plate. Didn’t see it being an issue since it’s 1) available for purchase 2) literally every other transmog in remix is able to be unlocked by any class.

Im at a loss here. Do i keep grinding my main or reroll and start this hellish soo grind again


Wondering this as well, all my bones are on a clothie.

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It doesn’t matter anyway since in TWW you will unlock its appearance despite being a clothie as long as you have it in your bags.

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i heard someone say after making a ticket a gm said its a bug and there working on fixing it but this is nothing more than something i saw someone say who knows how true it is. that being said it is dumb that we can buy EVERYTHING else regardless of the class/armor type but the tusks are the problem. i got 3 pallys 3 warriors and i dont rly enjoy dk already i dont want to level 1 to 70 then gear them up so i can join with my guild when we do heroic because i would prefer not to be a carry just so i can get 1 transmog.

you hope.

The EU Blizzard team has listed it as a bug they’re working on:


Given there’s 83? days left, it’s better to restart now than wait a few weeks and have to restart anyway if they don’t change it or it’s intended to only be available for plate classes.

It’s one of the announced features of the expansion, to collect appearances despite not being your character’s armor proficiency. Like, it’s one of the most hyped features lol


Ah, I was hoping it was a cloth version of the tusks.

Of course, the main reasonable fear is that even if they treat it like a bug to be fixed, that Blizzard puts in on the backburner, forgets about it, does nothing before the event ends, and nukes the inventories of timerunners when they get transferred over to retail.

Trust in Blizzard is just fairly low these days, and their communication policies are terrible.

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People keep saying this but I press X to doubt. As I recall, they said that TWW items would have this capabilities and specifically it would NOT be carried over to old content…at least initially which this would likely count as.

I figured these shoulders was the case because they aren’t coded as an ensemble like the other armor sets and which allthethings or canImogit or w/e addon I got that highlights items as learnable or not has a big NO mark on them on my druid hence why my “official” remix alt is a plate wearer whose highest priority is getting at least a garrosh kill in a day as well as the freebie 3 raids + world bosses + LFG dungeon and scenario content as my remix main is gonna finish getting ultimate gear levels because I am fairly close as is

Nope, they said the contrary, in fact devs flat out suggested to hold on items you can’t wear yet until prepatch launches so that you can learn it.

I think you’re mixing up account wide reps, which will only apply to TWW factions initially.

Honestly I wouldn’t mind if they just made it a cosmetic wearable by any class, anyway. But yeah it should at least be useable by any class as is.

it says plate soo expect only plate can either buy it and or right click it and make it so its unlocked for plate toons…kind of like in retial when u equip a Leather or cloth peace on mail or plate you dont learn it unless you mail it to a leather toon

This is my issue. Like SHOULD it be usable/fixed by TWW launch? Sure. But theres no guarantee that happens and if it doesnt, that particular tmog is back to being insanely difficult to obtain in retail unless i want to no life farm it

I made a plate toon just for the shoulders because i knew only plate would be able to get it

it may not work with pre TWW items looted sitting in your bags is the fear

wouldnt hold it past blizzard to make it anything looteed before TWW wont be able to work

there are tusks sitting in alot of peoples banks rn we will know come come patch or whenever the change goes live

People are already mad you can’t farm tier sets for transmog on a class that can’t wear/use it.

This would send people into overdrive if they pulled off such a stunt.

It will, according to an interview. What they said is that you won’t unlock items you obtained but then sold or threw away. They HAVE to be in your bank or bags once the expansion hits.

From the interview:
“Completing quests in The War Within will award transmog for all of its rewards regardless of weapon or armor type, and is intended to be retroactive, so players shouldn’t have to redo old quest content they completed in previous expansions. Any items in your characters bank or inventory which is not already part of their transmog collection should also be converted, though previously looted and discarded non-quest items won’t be retroactive.”

Here is the post on Wowhead: MrGM Interview with Morgan Day - The War Within Keystone Master, Cross-Realm Guild Work Orders

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