Can we get a blue post on tusks purchased by non plate classes?

they are even lucky they are making it so none plate can learn it in the first place

I couldn’t find it, I will look. Is it in a pinned post? This was the 1st one to come up when I did a search. Thank you!

I have a 70 Plate, I just don’t want to grind up gear/threads again. :slight_smile:

You should try reading the original post, the one that was put here 10 days ago. Youre right about “the fail” thats for sure.

They make it really easy for you, scroll down until you see the Blizzard icon on a topic about the tusks.

But here, because I’m feeling helpful…

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If they had said that from the get-go, I honestly would not have had a problem with that, but they didn’t mention that the tusks would be the exception to “You can buy everything on one character thing.”

And now it won’t be an issue. Thank you.

I used the search function, I didn’t realize it doesn’t tell you which thread has a blue reply.

Again, thank you for the link, thank you forum police. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry, hadn’t had my coffee yet.

Are there any bigger babies in this game then the ones complaining about the tusks?

That’s fair.

Nah, that’s a legitimate bug. The ones complaining about the free carries in 2 minute dungeons are the worst.


These guys are complaining its not being fixed fast enough so they are missing out on their window of exclusivity in the first few weeks before we are flooded with them.

Let plate wear them and make them usable on other classes towards the end of the event. Or maybe make the ones earned on nonplate classes some sort of recolor.

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Yeah, but it will be fixed and they will stop complaining, the others will be complaining right up to the end of the event. And then we’ll mostly stop hearing about it, because Blizzard will delete this forum.

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my guess itl lbe fixed after the event and new expansion being able to be traded to plate toon

Are people complaining about non-plate not being able to wear them? I didn’t even know that was a thing. Is that a thing with most of the purchases?

I knew we could theoretically buy everything for unlocks on one character but I thought the actual appearances were still restricted by armor type in transmogs.

I’m fine with them being restricted to being worn on plate only, I just wanted to unlock/learn them for my plate characters and not have to be on a plate character to buy them for the unlock.

I figured worst case scenario now (and later on) that people are getting OP that I could get a few days of carries on a 70 plate for the bones.

But I like playing a character that can actually contribute and I’ll probably have more than enough bones for everything on that character before the end of the event. If I CAN buy them on that character for an unlock, I will and that’s all I was asking about, lol.

Yes, I poorly worded my post. I meant let the plate classes who earn the transmog use the transmog and fix it for the non plate people to add it to their collection at the end of the event.

Seems unfair to me a cloth wearer can get the transmoog and add it to the collection and then use it on a plate wearer that they just made but that may just be old thinking.

Here is blue post

And here*1liir9b*_gcl_au*MTQ5OTk2Mjk0NS4xNzE3MDMxMjEw*_ga*NTcxMzMxMDc4LjE3MTcwMzEyMTA.*_ga_VYKNV7C0S3*MTcxNzYxMDE0OC40NC4xLjE3MTc2MjA0ODkuNS4wLjA.

Why would that be okay, when the tooltip on the item has no class restrictions, meaning any class would be able to learn the Tusks? Sorry, but I’m going to be pretty unhappy if they don’t bother to fix this before the end of the event.

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Its a plate appearance.

Aaaand? This was Blizzard’s idea, not mine, that the tusks be learnable by any class during this event. It’s what they indicated was happening, and now they should deliver, and sooner rather than later. It’s being worked on anyway, they’ve stated that, so I have no idea why you’re still here whinging about it like you have some sort of axe to grind.

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Just hang onto them. If they fix it while remix is still running they fix it. If not, you can learn them when TWW prepatch drops.