Can we get a 1.12 server?

Classic era has people at all lvls of the game. That’s what people love about classic. Everything is relevant. This change makes early raid gear irrelevant.


It is kinda nuts they fully removed decay from ranking…

I’m not a huge fan… I’d rather they dynamically adjust the honor needed each week depending on how many people play the week before or something.

This is spot on.

They don’t.


we really want the 0.5.3 alpha release!

He didnt do anything.

That’s just your opinion and my opinion is that he has done a lot to try to preserve the real game.


It’s ok not to be able to obtain something.


It’s a 20 year old game. Or at least, it was meant to be a close as possible reproduction of it. Didn’t happen. lol.


I only recently re-subbed for SoD to see how much of a disaster it is. Hopefully i’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Ngl that’s kinda cringe lol

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All I want in life is a 1.12 fresh.
Though I’ll take an earlier patch when voidwalker was OP.

Why? Is era with its massive bot/gold seller run economy and constant toxic gdkps with items going for “totally legitimate” 100k+ gold not close enough to classic for ya?

Wait they are removing honor decay entirely now??

OK, so I made a post in another thread defending the new honos system. I take that defense back now, this is definitely too far, and is now WAY too easy to get rank14 gear.

In addition, this will make BG’s die much faster, since people will finish their grinds sooner and have no reason to keep queing.

Blizzard, this is a dumb decision. The new honor system was a bit over the top (making it easy), but in the range of acceptability. This new change to remove decay is no longer acceptable. Blizzard, fix it.


Fully agreed, they keep sneaking things in and its annoying me a lot. Hell I would even be happy if ERA was reverted to 1.12 a close as possible.


I’m only okay with it so long as it doesn’t carry over to any kind of fresh era reset. If they’re just making era honor viable as low population for years into the future using the system that’s one thing. But a fresh should be the original system 100%.

Wait… they fully removed decay??? wat? Esplain plz; no comprende. Are you talking no decay within rank??


They did. I don’t really understand it tbh.

I get the gear is kinda meh on era at this point… but still.

Every change is a trojan horse.


I don’t disagree, I’m just stating the reasoning.