Can we get a 1.12 server?

Why? Is era with its massive bot/gold seller run economy and constant toxic gdkps with items going for “totally legitimate” 100k+ gold not close enough to classic for ya?

Wait they are removing honor decay entirely now??

OK, so I made a post in another thread defending the new honos system. I take that defense back now, this is definitely too far, and is now WAY too easy to get rank14 gear.

In addition, this will make BG’s die much faster, since people will finish their grinds sooner and have no reason to keep queing.

Blizzard, this is a dumb decision. The new honor system was a bit over the top (making it easy), but in the range of acceptability. This new change to remove decay is no longer acceptable. Blizzard, fix it.


Fully agreed, they keep sneaking things in and its annoying me a lot. Hell I would even be happy if ERA was reverted to 1.12 a close as possible.


I’m only okay with it so long as it doesn’t carry over to any kind of fresh era reset. If they’re just making era honor viable as low population for years into the future using the system that’s one thing. But a fresh should be the original system 100%.

Wait… they fully removed decay??? wat? Esplain plz; no comprende. Are you talking no decay within rank??


They did. I don’t really understand it tbh.

I get the gear is kinda meh on era at this point… but still.

Every change is a trojan horse.


I don’t disagree, I’m just stating the reasoning.

The devs really are listening.


Id still like to see all the other changes made since Era shipped reverted back to classic 2019, all this poppin my prowl has me feeling hostile. That and locks getting protected seduce cast and the plethora of other annoying non vanilla changes made that were actually TBC+ things, I want them gone.

The worst part about the changes made is they polluted the game quite a lot and as a result the quality of play is tarnished, but I don’t think its too late for Era, if they roll back the little bits of retail that poison the veins.


Oh noes!
You’re gonna miss SoD and the flying in Azeroth you asked for!


He ain’t going anywhere lol


That was not an opinion.

Nobody in this forum is in fact doing anything for better or worse. lol.

Here is what I said:

Note the trying part. Which I stated again.

I know that posting here doesn’t do a lot already so that comment you keep making is not relevant to my point. imo trying, regarding something a person is passionate about, is better than not trying at all.

Also, it could be argued that he helped get the forums separated to where real Era conversations on here can now take place, which actually did do something. So you’d be wrong there too.

Next, you’ll be pretending to be the voice of those who don’t ever visit the forums because they’ll never see what you say to disagree with you so you can just make up whatever fake things you feel like.

Oh, wait… you already did that today.


again, he didnt do nothing, you are also not even trying by posting in the forums.
Blizzard do not take feedback from general discussion forums.

I mean if you can prove he did it with a direct blizzard’s reference towards him, ya. Else its just wishful thinking.

as a matter of If you and he had any kind of influence the pvp changes would not be introduced and sod would not be done, since OP constantly claimed it was a waste of resources and you would make fairy tales of how someone with a full time job and family could rank to 14 whitout neglecting anything lol.

Here, at this forum, at best you can discuss the game with other players. That’s all.

? where did i claim this? I jsut stated a fact, blizzard do not rely on forums, and they surely are not siding with you or the OP in any decision lol.

I mean you are the only one claiming posters have a large influence and most importantly is even giving out examples whitout any kind of proof.

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It would be nice if era was still 1.12, but the GDKPs and botting is so abysmal it’s w.e at this point.

Era servers have never really worked in the history of MMOs, and were starting to see why. Sure it’s fun to login and play here and there, but any real growth is extremely difficult given the literal paywall required to play the game.

For an hour of my work pre taxes I could buy 25,000 gold. Think about that. What incentive is there to truly play if you can only farm 50-100 gold an hour… or work one single hour and buy 25k… that’s not even in the same galaxy… one day of work and I could buy 200k gold and be done with the game after a single day of work.

I don’t cheat, I don’t like to cheat, but the disparity between not cheating and cheating is insanely high on era. It just beats you down if you try to play legit.

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That’s just your opinion and you replied to my short “nice comment to another poster” that didn’t need to be replied to so that you could say it. You obviously felt like playing word games.

So I quoted this here. I disagree.

People come here all the time to provide feedback. I feel bad for the newbies because they don’t know that Blizzard doesn’t care. They are still attempting to have their voices heard instead of just ravenously feasting on whatever Blizzard decides to do. Then they not only do not have Blizzard listen to them but they get bullied by the low lifes who only come here to make fun of others.

95%+ of people when they are not happy don’t come here to this hostile place. They just unsub. The passionate ones try also so although you may want to spit on them and laugh, because you don’t care about other people, I’ll commend them for trying and have a long history of doing so.

I never said that people on the forums have a lot of influence. I’ve said over and over that the streamers have the most influence. I’ve said over 100 times that I come here to talk to other posters. I’m aware of that reality.

You keep going there but it’s totally irrelevant to any point I’ve been making.

You said that only 5 posters on the forum had an opinion that Era shouldn’t be changed. Which is ridiculous.

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It’s clear that the dev do not play vanilla.


I agree with this, it really is a bummer, and as my Pally is approaching 60 I’d be lying if I didn’t start to feel the tug. There’s a lot of stuff I need that’s going to cost a lot of gold to get!

But then I remember why I play this game… which for my own dang personal enjoyment. If I want that stuff, I can make other characters to help me farm it. Or to help me farm to make gold so I can at least offset some of the effort. I don’t have to have it right away, I can work to get it, and that’s the game Vanilla was intended to be.

So many people have lost sight of this. Instant gratification has become the prominent mentality of the playerbase and you actually can’t blame retail for this. There’s a dude in another thread I was discussing with whose actual expectation is that you should be able to roll up to a raid on week 1 and clear it. They have no idea what playing this game originally was like, where you would spend actual months gearing up your team to be able to finally clear the last boss. Retail is still like that since gear between seasons resets and content is much harder.

So this new mentality is not a Vanilal thing, it’s a “Classic” thing. People expect to show up and get to 60 immediately, so they pay gold for boosts to get there. Then they get 60 and expect to be geared immediately, so they pay gold in GDKP to get their items. The get their gear and want to end-game raid, but expect to be doing the best DPS possible and so they pay gold to buy consumables and Tribute lockouts to get there. They expect to do in months what was intended to take years.

What all this means is that the vast majority of people playing Classic Era right now don’t actually want Vanilla. They don’t want retail either. They want something new… something where they can see the game’s content, but not spend a lot of time on that journey, and so they’re perfectly ok with paying someone, anyone, money to get there. So many people want this that it would be downright ignorant of me to say they shouldn’t have it. I don’t want it, maybe you don’t want it, but so many other people want it that we have no right to tell them they shouldn’t. So the game that Era is turning into post 1.12 is absolutely appropriate for them.


As Mootwo and others have pointed out, we were sold on a museum piece. Not only is that what was advertised with Classic 2019 to begin with, that’s why we paid our clone transfers. I even bought my clone in the original, ridiculously over priced first wave before they dropped it way down. Why? Because I wanted to have a character that lived in the Vanilla world forever and that could support the future alts that I intended to play there one day.

You can look at these recent changes from various angles and see that they’re good changes. I can absolutely see value in the recent ranking changes, for example. A lot of those changes make Era work for the masses. There was just too much detrimental gameplay going on and Vanilla just doesn’t hold up to meta gaming. But just because you can argue that those changes have value doesn’t mean they should happen. It’s not what the true Vanilla supporters bought and paid for… all 2000 of them.

Which is maybe the point here. Folks made a financial commitment to a game under stated expectations and that’s not being lived up to. However, that game is not what the majority of players want. I think Blizzard needs to deliver on their promise, but it needs to be a 1.12 Fresh Era server that will never change and where anti-RMT policies are strictly enforced. Or, if Blizzard is unable or unwilling to do that, official acknowledgement and support for private servers so the players can make the experiences for themselves.