I absolutely love survival spec and would main it again in a minute if they could get some love. It is is genuinely one of the most fun specs in the game (to me) - and I have many characters at max level. Incredibly disappointing that it is just more or less in complete limbo.
I have no idea what in the world people are talking about with “don’t fix it” and we don’t want to lose a raid tier to fix survival. Those development resources aren’t mutually exclusive - just have the rogue, monk or DH devs take a look at survival - they did pretty well this time around. I know we all joke, but lol - not really a small indie company…
I played since January 2005 and I remember how Hunters unconditionally had a ranged weapon, were far more effective at range regardless of spec, and this was our manual page:
Looking at your earliest achievements, it seems you started playing in 2016…
Hunter use to have melee abilities because they had to have it due to deadzone which was removed from hunter far before you started playing. It basically ment if you sucked at kiting at a certain range from your target certain range abilities wouldnt work and you would swap to your melee abilities.
Hunter had melee but there was no melee dedicated build , range damage always was greater than melee damage. Melee was the way blizzard balanced hunters uninterpretable range damage , if they got too close you couldnt do your maximum dps and you had to kite and get range. Some specs lacked mobility and had some melee talents but it was overall a range spec.
In my opinion, we have enough melee specs in the game, we only have 1 bow class. So why we needed another melee spec is strange to me. When we could of had a survival build around guns\gadgets.
Your replies are very aggressive and very rude imo. This hunter forum might not be for you.
I completely agree this survival spec is rubbish since Legion, the blizzard has been messing with this class and it never hits it’s ridiculous, this spec was pretty round in WoD
Looking at my earliest achievements…I switched my email but if you’d like, catch me in game and I’ll take out my Special Edition pet for Vanilla. My very first character was a Hunter, I know the class very well.
So you’re assumptions of my experience is null and void. My replies are rude you say? Subjective at best, nice try though. However the opinions from the Anti-Melee SV aren’t rude? Perhaps the Hunter Forums aren’t for you and whoever else keeps berating those who enjoy the spec and would like for it to be advanced/tweaked.
Edit: you clearly didn’t look very hard, Feats of Strength > Promotions. Nice try though, once again but you’re lack of investigation and intent on down playing my post / thoughts ~opinion was…. Yeah.
Yea i disagree, you seem like a condescending person based off your posts on this thread. Pretty toxic.
I disagree that any opinions on the future of survival as being toxic depending on how you say it. I played survival range longer than anybody played the legion rework and others did too, they have valid concerns and have valid opinions that shouldnt be shut from a tiny tiny majority that play survival.
Survival hunter has been a complete failure of a rework since legion and the numbers back it up. Least represented, least played spec in the game since legion. More people played it before they spent countless hours reworking and changing it for nothing.
yea the melee buttons like lacerate that were so useless they didnt even make it into the classic version of vanilla that everyone just played. melee was the weakness of hunters. like a warrior getting rooted or a mage getting kicked. the current SV is a meme and a mistake, proven by the 6 years of it being on the bottom. the only time it had any relevance was last season when it’s tier set devolved the spec into 2 ranged buttons.
You post a whole lot of revisionist nonsense and when called out on it you post a bunch of empty ramblings about whether you played in classic and whether we’re being too rude. Nothing actually addressing the point at hand. You seem like a very evasive person.
To recap: Survival hunter was not a melee spec in Classic and it’s fallacious to pretend that the presence of melee abilities in a class with a minimum range on ranged weapon attacks is comparable to modern SV which has no ranged weapon at all.
Did you guys hear the news? They turned survival into a melee class. . . What will we do? We could spend then next decade complaining about it! Sounds like a plan to me.
Its alot of fun. Most interesting gameplay of any class by far. Just needs a little love in the defensive department so it can actually live up to the name of Survival. But then again that isn’t a Survival exclusive problem that is a hunter problem as a whole. Personally I think they need to leave hunter survivability alone and nerf all the other dps sustain down to hunter level. I don’t understand how warriors heal 1.2 mil during an arena match it doesn’t make any sense.
Typically if something sees a lot of play, then the developers spend a huge amount of time and effort reworking it and then afterwards it sees hardly any play, we call that a failure.
People just make an exception for Survival as a coping mechanism.
Defends SV on the forums
Hasn’t even levelled a Hunter
Truly the average SV forum defender right here, folks.
Survival had pretty much the same if not more dps than MM during parts of legion and had like 100-200 parses total lol. Seems to me unless survival does OP damage and people are forced to play it over MM\BM people hardly ever touch survival which is also backed up as its been the least played spec since legion.
Im glad you enjoy it though. I would prefer if survival had both melee\range weapons imo