Can we fix blood DPS?

It depeded in the dates that you were tanking. Original did not launch with blood as the best tank spec. All 3 were supposed to be viable. It wasnt until later patches that made blood the best tank spec.

So if you were tanking blood in the early phases if original then those laughs were justified.

Also, some ppl that do not play dk dont understand what blood tanking is. They think u should tank in blood presence and dont know that a blood dk tank is a dk that has mostly talented from the blood tree, but tanks in frost presence.

Since you dont know wby ppl laughed at you in original and why blood is the correct spec now, im guessing u are that guy that specs to the last talent in blood and trys to tank in blood presence.

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There is always that one guy that thinks he has a secret or is more knowledgable about something. You are wrong as wrong can be. Blood dps is not anywhere even capable of competeing with frost or unholy. It is a waste of time, both yours and anyone you group with. I wouldnt mind of they changed it but for now, blood is not a dps spec.

Post on your main and I would bet I outdps you on multiple fights as Blood.

Just stop… why do you do stuff like this. Its not about individual ppl. Because of talents and abilites for each spec, one can do bettet than the other. It is a fact. It isnt debateable. And you are making yourself look lile a moron. Why do you think when blizz wants to increase dps from a class 0r spec, they make a change to that class or spec and they do not come up with a training guide of how to improve your gameplay. Why? Because they know how much each spec can do and they know when one spec is bettet than another.

So just acknowledge, that you are that one guy. Yeah that one guy that thinks he can out perform everyone on and spec and any class. You are only a super hero in your own head.

Now if you want to be real again, try to challenge yourself. Go to a training dummy and dps as frost and then try to beat yourself as blood. If you can do that, then u are a bad bad player that cant figure out how to play frost. Jeeze. Frkn ppl.

You don’t know what you’re talking about. There are multiple situations where a Blood DPS would be more valuable than a Frost or Unholy DK.

Post on your main.

People forgetting that blood was a viable, and commonly played, DPS through all of original wrath apparently.


And that matters for the patch version we are on how? Blood is the tank spec now, they abandoned their idea of trying to make all specs good at both and started specializing the roles, get over it.

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All three specs are DPS specs as well this patch version, the only non-viable tank spec for DK is UH.

Blood wasn’t a stated tanking spec officially til cata.


This is it - Blood is already a decent DPS spec. People are just too meta slavish to know it. Not to mention that it will get even better with more ArP. Will it beat Frost or UH - probably not on average. But it beats a whole lot of other dps specs when played right.


This was a Cataclysm change, up till the end of WotLK all 3 specs remained viable dps/tanks.


Nah. I did fine. Soloed Thad 25m for a solid 30-45 seconds to the point I called for a wipe and then heard over ventrillo, “well, I guess we’ll let Zachaios solo the boss.”

I then spun my camera and realized I was by myself and messed up the rotation which then led for me to die in short order.

Haha. You’re joking, right? I’ve been tanking blood since day 1 of wotlk dropping and did just fine. This is a rather dumb statement given how much content I cleared in wrath on this character alone.

Reading your other responses, I got a strong feeling you’re projecting your own errors in having (supposedly) played a DK during original wotlk.

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They are definitely viable, just not top-tier like the other two. I sometimes play blood spec to change it up and blood is far more durable than my frost (though dps is akin to my ret).
But whenever you try to play something different and fun, you get accused of “memeing” thanks to the meta sweats.


Blood dps is still viable, just not top-tier.
I’m not even sure what the OP wants to change to make it “better” without completely breaking it.


Not sure where this “blood was never a tank in original wrath” is coming from… The only spec that couldn’t viably tank was UH.

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dont call this guy out he will actually show you up with hecktick parses
bit of a memer playing weird specs but he knows his stuff

Someone was paying attention.

fix prot dps too

For wrath classic and the balance patch the game is running yes blood is the tanking spec. Maybe get a frost ot spec or something.

You can keep saying that, but it’s not true.

Blood is completely viable as a DPS spec right now. It’s actually the best DPS spec for my current 10m group on my DK. Is it good in 25m where all buffs are easily covered? NOPE, still completely viable though. It’s also still very good for Algalon as you bring Mark of Blood and can time Deathstrikes when raid damage is going off.