Can we fix blood DPS?

if DKs were “intended” to have 6 specs, then they would have added those 3 extra specs to the trees just like how they broke up Feral/Guardian for druids during MoP.

DKs were intended to tank or dps as any spec (so arguably 6 specs, like what was stated). After WotLK, Blizzard realized they could not balance that at all, and they made Blood the dedicated tanking spec leaving the other two for dps.

But talking about what Blizzard did in Cata and MoP doesn’t mean anything when we are playing WotLK.



Blood is my preferred style, the others are not as fun

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This is not how DKs where on designed in Wrath, blood was too DPS among the specs until this patch that wrath launched with

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That’s the original design which is why one could and still can tank or DPS with each in wrath.

The blood DPS spec just needs a little love

It actually was the top DK DPS for most of wrath until the nerf bat hit it up prior to the patch that the current Wrath launched with

Not since the ret buff

It’s still a DPS spec though…. Just overnerfed

As much as I love to see any class receive buffs because it makes them more fun, I don’t think DK is hurting for anything, Blood or otherwise.

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Then play blood IDK what to tell you. No reason to buff their worst DPS spec because of your preference. If you want to cuck yourself that is your choice.

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blood is a tank spec, sir.


I mean, DK is wonderful in that you can do the copy/paste meta builds, or just do your own thing. Nobody really cares as long as you perform. It’s mostly in the sweaty raid teams that those kinds of optimizations matter.


I’ve likely never raided with a DPS Blood DK for a reason. One of the wonderful things about this game is that you can play it how you want to play and find enjoyment doing so. If I were playing a DK I’m sure I would love both UH and Frost DPS DK.

This request is akin to prot warriors asking to make that spec dps viable. I remember when the patch came out in OG wrath, and the developers clearly stated that blood was being changed to be a tanking spec and that frost was being changed to be a dw dps spec.

Just because you can do ok damage with enough armor pen doesn’t mean it’s meant to be another dps spec for DKs. Just stop being silly.

Only in retail

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But it’s not, in this patch all DK specs are tanks and DPS. Blood has just been nerfed.

It’s really not that difficult of a problem to solve.

You have your facts mixed up. Blood was decidedly a tanking spec–not dps–by this point in retail.

I agree… buff Ret.

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Except that this is indeed the patch that blood was only a tank spec, just as ret paladins lost their seal of blood. Remember this version of WoTLk is on the final released patch. It’s not going to change.

That wasn’t until Cataclysm.