Can we Fistweav now?

With the new Talent is that some thing with a cool down or is it something we get to do 24-7 like the old days. I hate that we are called Fistweavirs and don’t fight with fists. Did you guys fix my class back to what It was and why I played her in the first place and loved it?

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It has a really long cooldown. It’s a shame. It’s basically a longer cooldown version of the current Pvp talent that also lasts a little longer.

The plus side is it doesn’t seem to have a huge mana cost, but it doesn’t let us truly DPS heal yet. :frowning:

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We fistweave now.

The risingmist talent is currently the best healing style. Due to the haste you have in bfa.

If the playerbase wants more fwing id suggest posting on the monk feedback


Rats that sucks so bad I want to fight and heal! Oh well she will be an alt maybe…sad face.

I don’t want to discourage it. Maybe feedback can cause a lower CD or fundamental change.

I will say you can currently fight quite a bit with Spirit of the Crane and Rising Mists, using your HoTs and Font to extend the HoTs and keep up mana. It’s pretty fun. I would do anything if they just take it a bit further simply because of how fun it is.

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The easiest and best fix would just add a passive portion to the talent.

“Passive: All sources of haste are increased by 30%”

That simple change would make fwing much more viable.

Its the haste lost in shadowlands that will hurr fwing more than anything.

All they need to do is make it 100% of the time If I do damage I heal for some of it . Most heals will not take that but it would reward healers that keep up with bosses and fight in mele range and in pvp we could fight back! It would be lower heals but more dps. Some times you need more dps and not just healing to burn something or someone down. It makes the class one of a kind as its mele not ranged dps.

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If you literally are not 100% in melee as a monk. You are playing wrong. Even now.


Fistweaving is already the meta even if you don’t take conflict to get way of the crane. Rising mist with our haste we have atm is nuts. Not sure how well it will translate to early expac but we will see.

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‘Fistweaving’ through via Rising Mist is a competitive choice right now!

The only real things preventing it from being more popular is 1.) You need to hit certain haste break points (20%+) to really get going and 2.) It’s significantly more punishing than Upwelling if you make a mistake.

Personally I actually don’t really like Rising Mist’s play-style in general. Luckily MW’s have two competitively viable builds.

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Will it still be viable in the xpac when stats plummet and we have nowhere near the haste we have now. Remember this truly came about because of our high stats.

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Unfortunately there’s no way to tell currently. We don’t know much about the additional covenant bonuses outside of the current primary abilities that each covenant gives a player.

A massive chunk of our ability to play this current build is stacking 3x Misty Peaks, which gives us roughly 25-2700 haste when it procs and has a rough uptime of 25-30%. That, along with stacking expedient and racing pulse corruptions, allows us to maintain a hefty uptime on our hots.

One of my first logs using the rising mists build I only had 27% baseline haste and a single r1 racing pulse, but I also did 3 stack Misty peaks. Just with that alone it tripled the mana efficiency of my ReM’s (from 50k healing done per cast to 150k) and nearly doubled the efficiency of my Viv’s (from 85k per cast to about 150k). So just in terms of raw mana usage I was already getting the same efficiency out of my weak RM build as I was from using EF from my Upwelling build at peak performance. The added bonus to my Viv’s was just the cherry on top.

Unfortunately, if we don’t see any covenant passives introduced that would directly tie in with our haste or Rising Mists, then I can’t see RM being a viable build for healing going into the next xpac.

I could be wrong, though. I hope I’m wrong, in fact. But we’ll just have to wait and see.

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I would really prefer to see a version of fistweaving like we saw in WoD, where it’s a stance you switch into and out of (or something to that effect). Heck, even having the stance itself be a talent would be welcoming (like gladiator stance was a talent). Just saying, it’d be nice.

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Is fistweaving going to be dead after nerf?

nope, no longer can keep up hots even with an insane amount of haste its back to being a bottom tier healing like in 8.2

Any chance that Wod or MoP fistweaving can make a return? I know blizzard dislikes smart heals, but you can just edit how it works so that targets with renewing mist are the only players getting healed through % dmg dealt…


Where? I’d love to support a Fistful of Mist.

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Some cool changes I’d want to see for Mistweaver in Shadowlands: