Can we finally just drop the race/class "lore restriction" pretense?

Void Elves did not even exist when Illidan was making Demon Hunters. And to the best of our knowledge, Illidan - master of both fel & arcane magics - is the only one who’s ever done it. The process had a 90% mortality rate, and only those mad with grief signed up for it. Why would anyone risk 90% chance of death to become one today?

Tell you what: Here’s how you get a new race of DH:

  1. Wait for Illidan to return.
  2. Level a character to max level.
  3. Go on quest chain to find Illidan and convince him you are worth his time.
  4. /roll 1-100.
  5. If you roll 91 or above, you get DH.
  6. If you roll 01-90, your character gets deleted.

Classic WoW is thataway.


Guild wars is over there, in another franchise… dismissive isn’t it?

Thank you, I also want the lore to still matter. The fact lightforged warlocks exists is just bad lore.


To this day, between the leveling, the skyriding debacle, and now with class restrictions, I still do not understand the desire for people to not play the game they signed up for lol

Like, ya’ll are free to ask for whatever you desire. You pay the same subscription as me, but if you repeatedly take issue with so many things this game does/should do, then it begs the question as to why you even play it lmao

Just play a human, at that point lol


I think Goblins should be able to be Demon Hunters.

Oh and Night Elf Paladins and stuff yeah, sure. But really I just care about the Goblins and what-not.

Also if we’re being brutally honest here, the lore is irrelevant. They’re going to change it in like 3 patches anyway and someone will be tripping over themselves to defend it to the death any which way you look at it. You know it, I know it, Thrall knows it. This is the company that published a bunch of Lore books and went “Yeah THIS is canon for realsies this time okay bro?” and then immediately contradicted it doing whatever they wanted a little while later. They don’t care anymore.
And if the reason for being against it is because “It wasn’t like that in the past!” then I agree, Blizzard should remove all portals in the game, delete flying mounts, and make you walk to the dungeon. Glad you agree.

for demon hunters just say a bronze dragon pulled some epic prank

There isn’t “lore restrictions” anymore.

They spent Dragonflight explaining the other races/class combos.

Paladins? The New Tyrs hand questline welcome all races.
Shaman? Vyranoth’s Primalists reincorporating into society (literally an Emerald Dream quest about this)
Druid? The Emerald Dream Patch gives viable explanation, as any race can enter the dream now.

The problem is enough “BUT MUH LORE” people complained that they said they were working towards “All Races, All Classes” that Ion told us they changed their mind. Despite setting up lore explanations for them.

Demon Hunters don’t even need explanation - they told us when they added Demon Hunters that if they expand it to other races one day, they’ll just have the existing Demon Hunters having taught the other races.

I just hope Ion gets overruled and they’re ACTUALLY working on Totem, Paladin Mount, and Druid Form art for each race which is why it’s taking so long. They want it to be a selling point for Midnight or the Last Titan.

Like, I could easily see Blood Elf/Nightborne/Void Elf druids and Void Elf/Night Elf/Nightborne Paladins being a big draw point for Midnight.


Could say the same thing about people who play Dracthyr hunters/warriors/rogues/ect. Or for that matter, why even have an elf form for Feral/Guardian Druid? Just stay in animal form 24/7.

It isn’t a complaint. It’s a request. I’ve been playing on and off since 2004, I would like to play a NElf Paladin, I’d like to play a Forsaken paladin. Hell, I wouldn’t mind playing a human Shaman now and again. The boundary of who can learn what for which reasons is breaking down, anyway, and I just want to have fun with funne game from my childhood without going to that god-awful Ascension server.

You can’t just TEACH other races how to do things. What do you think this is, some kind of world that progresses over time? Get outta here with that nonsense.

Next we’re gonna have NPC Night Elves using the Light for combat instead of just doing Priest things. Absolutely disgusting!

You’re absolutely right, but if Blizzard didn’t design the dracthyr forms to be so ugly, they probably wouldn’t have that issue, so I don’t necessarily fault people for feeling that way lol

But that’s besides the point. The human models of worgens are just humans. There’s at least merit and different customization with the human dracthyr forms. So if you’re just wanting to play a worgen without transforming into a worgen, then play a human, because it’s all the same lol

Well no, because part of the appeal of a druid is to shapeshift between human and animal form. That’s kind of the entire motif of a druid lol

That’s fine, but the game has already extremely relaxed its class restrictions. If you’re still not having fun or are struggling to find combinations that appeal to you, then that seems like a you problem and not one Blizzard should be obligated to address lol

I’m reading the real Thalassian patriots piece in the real mean of genius kinda vein, and i’ve included a “no vox” version so you can karaoke on top of this cut:

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I’ll say this.

I see no logical lore reason why any race that can be a Priest cannot also be a Paladin.

a Paladin, at its base level, is a Priest in Plate Armor.

I guess maybe you can make an argument against Void Elves?

One could argue that the whole idea of race/class restrictions being for lore lost water long before these recent years where more people seem to be talking about it. One could further argue that, regardless of if lore compliance was the even the true intent of such, it wasn’t a good way of conveying such things to begin with; at least not on its own, not without stuff like class quest giving actual context to the combos available, something the restrictions have always lacked alone.

But how does that make the game better? How does it make the story better? I mean, sure, Blizz can do whatever they want. They could decide all mounts are unicorns and best aoe attack is water balloons. But would it improve the game? There’s a dark, brooding, and - at this point - iconic story to Illidan and his Illidari. Why cheapen that?

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I mostly agree with this. If anything, the odd part story-wise is that same character can be priest and shadow priest. :smiley:

more character customization and expression is always good and illidan’s story has been over for almost a decade

these threads crop up every so often, and each time i see them, i see a cacophony of dissenters saying “great, another person who doesn’t care about the lore, this isn’t warcraft, why does everyone want everything to suck, choice matters more than quality to these people and they’ll say anything to justify their selfishness” and i can’t help but feel like the obvious point has been missed.

you can write stories about intercultural exchange, and intracultural change. it’s not as though wanting to see dynamic relationships constitutes bad worldbuilding. entire nations remaining unexplainably static might be, though.

also, undead paladins shoulda done been a thing since at least cataclysm. if someone really thinks “i am subjecting my body to intense physical pain for the benefit of my spirit” isn’t an aggressively cool and religious vibe for an rpg character, i am sorry that they are wrong and possessed of bad taste.

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We will just have to agree to disagree. We seem to have very different tastes.

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Sure, but new races lining up for 90% chance of death to become weapons against the Legion is not mere cultural exchange. It cheapens and invalidates the epic story that’s gone before.