Can we finally just drop the race/class "lore restriction" pretense?

I agree with the all races / all classes stance. Always have. Just wanted to breing up a trick for you specific senario… [quote=“Litharinari-proudmoore, post:8, topic:2045129, full:true”]
I was thinking some of the limitations make no sense. Kultirians who are humans can be druids, but their smaller counterparts cannot. Night elf paladins still do not exist after giving us an example in game of one.

Yet we have gnome warriors that cannot reach their foes…

You can kind of do the human druid thing by using a worgen druid. Worgen have the same in and out of combat thing as the Drakthyr. As a druid, instead of going into worgen form from human, you go into your druid forms and back to human. Works pretty cool

I was shocked when I saw warlock on draenai and especially lightforged, that is just incredibly sad.

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i use to care. i actually use to love the lore for warcraft but once you retcon things as much as they did while also churning out crap writing it makes it really hard to care anymore let alone like it. also were at the point where you people who care are the minority. blizzard has already said its going to happen so its better to start accepting it now rather than crying the entire time. and hey from 1 loser to another have a little self respect cause your argument makes you look dumb especially playing a human in a rpg game with other races. how vanilla can you be


This is basically how I feel. There’s so much slop now that you’re better off just accepting that none of it matters.


Just because you could do something does not mean you should do it. That was the lesson of Jurassic Park. :slight_smile:

More recently Ion said in interview they have no plans to expand race/class combos beyond Drachthyr.

pretty sure he ment for them specifically. other wise that just shows how incompetent he really is passing up free money from race changes

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It would be nice to finally play say a nightborne or undead or mechangnome shaman.

Goblin and nightborne paladin are also something I would like to try. Or something fun like and undead druid.

I mean people would call them ‘lazy’ if they just used other resources from other races, but honestly, I don’t see why they can’t just make one ‘basic’ set of totems, a basic horse, and use the default druid forms and then just let people pick which racials they want to use in the Barbershop until they slowly begin trickling in new assets for each race. Then it opens the door for having more default animal forms, more totem skins, and more horse options for those specific classes.


Interesting honestly never tried a worgen druid. Honestly overlooked worgen as humans completely when making my observations. I forgot our large dog friends.

I’d personally be fine with that if it meant I could play the Race + Class that I wanted sooner rather than later.

EDIT: don’t know why my post got deleted. Must’ve hit a button on my phone when posting it.

The elf part was technically dropped a long time ago. Illidan just only trusted elves is the current reason.

The main reason we don’t have other races is that no one would be making/training them at the moment.

Buuut there is a workaround they could do. Orcs and Draenei were around when Illidan would have been training them, they could lightly retcon that he trained some Draenei and Orcs at that time and slip em relatively easily into the old starter zone. >.>

I think the only restrictions now aren’t lore ones, it’s just that the art asset team is not ready to drop all the new totems and steeds. Or they’re waiting until Midnight or a later patch to do so for maximum tactical benefit as a patch/expansion feature.

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I’d rather not get some half-***ed new combos.

If we’re getting new combos, I want all the fixin’s.

Proper totems, mounts, etc.

Nothing less.

I don’t want to erode the last vestiges of flavor this game has left.

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Depends, I don’t want non-dracthy evokers. It messes the lore of dragons being the only ones to wield the aspect powers.

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It’s not pretense, what you suggest makes the game no longer WoW and makes into something akin to guild wars which is not what I played for the last 20+ years

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i dropped the phony bologna “but dis race/class combo don’t fit da lore” mess ages ago, cuz it’s a false premise.

As someone who isn’t playing an Undead Demon Hunter, but should be, I support this thread.

Never amde sense to me either that BELFs and Void ELf’s couldnt be Druid’s and VELFs couldnt be DH. BELFs and VELFs at one point were part of the whole Night elf Society, its just that BELF’s were considered the High Society of NELf’s.

That would be sad to me. I want lore to still matter. There’s a reason why only DHs are Blood Elves & Night Elves. It’s in the books and in the games. There are very good reasons no one would line up to become DH today, starting with the 90% mortality rate for transformation process. I don’t want one of the great old WoW stories cheapened.