Can we finally just drop the race/class "lore restriction" pretense?

I got me a belf stalker, I have won at life !! \o/

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Of course, being BM, I can just have my pet(s) shadow you …

Yeah well it’s the thought that counts at the end of the day. Now back on with the thread, sorry for the slight derailment, Carry on with more ELF love!!! :joy: :heart:

I agree. If I have a toy that can turn me into another race that does not have the class I am playing, somehow the animations still work.


Nightyborne, no.

Either way, I like the Vanilla model where classes reinforced a races identity. Now everyone is the same, and they all act the same and it’s boring and terrible.

The reason Blizzard loosened the restrictions wasn’t to reinforce RP elements or to make the game healthier, it was engagement metrics. They realized they could loosen class restrictions instead of introducing new classes. It’s only hurt the game as far as I’m concerned.


No thanks.

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As a shaman main who wants to play as a worgen, I 100% want unique racial totems. I certainly don’t want to use the Draenei ones.

Same reason as shaman totems but for Pally mains. I doubt all Pally mains want to ride the horse.

Not all priests and pallies worship the wind chimes. Neither Tauren or Blood Elves do. Tauren worship the sun and cast spells made of physical light. Actual photons, not magical Jesus light. And the Blood Elves get their power from the Sunwell.

We should not celebrate laziness and accept mediocrity.

I don’t want them to put out a half baked product just because a few people are impatient.


maybe in the next few hundred years or so, yeah.

:dracthyr_hehe_animated: :popcorn:

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They don’t have the animations for the model.

And this is why Dracthyr never should have been allowed to do this. :woman_facepalming:t4:


I am huge fan of opening up race/ class restrictions but WoW is still a RPG there still needs to be some reason. Also breaking down why those restrictions are in place.

Social Taboo
Physical Restriction
Lack of Exposure

Those are the main three I can think of. Out of that you really can give lore for social taboo (see Night Elf Mages or Warlocks in general) and lack of exposure can also be worked on with lore. If there is a physical reason then we should let that stand.


once they gave warlocks for every race they kinda destroyed any lore argument. thats the most lore breaking class to be done. the only reason we dont have pallys shammy and druids on everyone is cause it requires work that blizzard doesnt want to do


Citing Lore as a reason is just an excuse on Blizzard’s part. The real reason is they just don’t want to dedicate the time and resources to making totems, chargers, and animal forms when it can be spent on more dungeons, delves, and raids.

I hope at some point during the World Soul Saga that I can finally make a Forsaken Paladin and Worgen Shaman… but I’m not holding my breath.


Warlocks have always been a social taboo and lore wise anyone that is willing to break those taboos can be a warlock. There is a reason why the warlock class trainers were off in hidden sections of the cities. No lore has been destroyed by giving warlocks to every race.


since they have already said they would do it it feels more like them being lazy than not wanting to dedicate time and resources especially with the existance of plunderstorm

both draenei races are 100% lore breaking more so than a forsaken druid would ever be


Yet another person who doesmt care for the games lore or world. Wanting to play dressup game while ruining any semblance of actual eorld building


yeah they pretty much gave up on lore-based class/race restrictions when they allowed us to make Manari Eredar. the literal members of Burning Legion that we spent an entire expansion fighting against, joining the Noble, Always Morally Superior, “Never Done Anything Wrong or Unjustified Ever” Alliance of all people.

and then there are Lightforged Draenei Warlocks, which is a combination that makes the absolute least lore sense ever.

nothing matters at this point in regard to Lore-based restrictions, may as well go all out, tbh.


The loset mentality. “This thing happened therefore we should completely break the toys”

more like the toys already broken so why pretend to care anymore


exactly. its just lip service at this point.

you’re a human male paladin avatar.

nobody actually cares what you think, or about your forum RP.

bye now.