I 100% do. I question if you do.
There are some things one should not be, or at least not have to be, flexible on.
Once again, I 100% am and 100% do, and question the validity of your insinuated assertion. Kael went nuts, (because blizzard thought making him a loot pinata was what people would like, and “they went crazy!!!” was their typical crappy story-writing go to) allied with the Legion, and attacked the wrong people. Nothing else to it. Anything else is just utterly baseless speculation on your part, which admittedly at the very least SEEMED to be the implication in canon until blizz started showing that aside from those who embrace the new Swell (which is stated and demonstrated to either not be the majority, or at the very least not a large one) the belves still mostly cling to their old habits, which more or less amounts to a cultural difference between them and helves.
Sadly that comes from text that has long been lost as Blizz’s website has changed.
However… what do you think the canonical point was of torrent being what restored your mana and energy, and not tap? Why would torrent be what completed the process of draining magic, if it wasn’t part of the same process and teachings…? This on top of it never demonstrated that helves have ever had this ability…
I agree. You can rp all you want. Just don’t try to encourage blizz to mess with the lore so those of us who are into most blood elves being canonically depicted how they always have mostly been since the now non-canon RPG get screwed further. Bad enough we lost the original bloodknights. It not only takes from us who literally started playing the game for that depicted characterization of blood elves, it encourages a blander, milquetoast, less exclusively warcraftian elf, in favor of something you basically find in all fantasy, that you can just rp if you want it.
I certainly do hope this thread is not representative of the fanbase.
I’m sorry, but did you miss the part where he literally said he wants the Sin’dorei to start calling themselves Quel’dorei again? He isn’t protecting jack💩 man. He may not be blue, but calling him anything other than a poisonous helfer isn’t true.
Gonna stop you there. Imo, Blood elves have never been one of the Horde’s more heroic races. Aside from how the Blood Knights became, they have always been very gray, and morally ambiguous. Even Lor’themar, who may sound like a super hero, and comes from the Farstriders who have always arguably been the least controversial parts of the belves, is a pragmatic leader more than a heroic figure.
The Horde’s orcs are more heroic, along with the Tauren arguably. Blood elves don’t have to bring anything new or unique to the Horde, and in fact I’d argue them doing so would only risk making them seem even less like they make sense as being part of the Horde, which should be avoided at all costs. However, because the blood elves DO have blood knights and whatever other boring nu sunwell lovers… they do TECHNICALLY have some heroic members to bring to the horde. Even if I don’t really think that should be the belves predominant depiction.
Blood elves HAVE abused, and made victims of many. High Elves were never one of them… high elves were too proud even by elf standards, and moralistic for their own good and yet at the same time selfish for putting their principles above the stability of their nation, when it desperately needed it to survive.
Blood elves have too much appeal to be forgotten and ignored. Leaning harder into their more villainous-seeming aspects is the best choice. It was easier to write for them when the lore did that. Their heroic group can still be there if needed, but the fact there’s perception the blood elves HAVE to be heroic when that isn’t how people originally liked them is nuts.
When it suits you.
Better question is… do you?
That implication has been contradicted in game multiple times at this point. Some did, some didn’t. And that’s good.
More like existing lore since tbc before the Fury of the Sunwell patch. (I hated them having us kill Kael and Illidan, but I didn’t reject it…)
I used to, yeah. Because it was awful lore. Regressed blood elves into little more than high elves with a little more emphasis on light worship, with said light worship only serving to make them more like nearly every iconic alliance race, which in turn only serves people who want to play horde humans or zealous High elves, instead of Blood elves specifically. If you can’t see how that’s garbage writing, then your interests and priorities suck.
Then it was made clear the apparent implications at the end of tbc were not entirely accurate, and as a result I accept most of the lore, if not all.
On this, at least, we can agree.