I don’t really consider these lore or canon related.
They regularly don’t hold up.
I don’t really consider these lore or canon related.
They regularly don’t hold up.
Not really.
To state they’re NOT 100% the same, outside political differences — is factually incorrect.
Blood Elves ARE High Elves …
Contrary to the belief of many Helfers — The Blood Elves being named such has nothing to do with the fel, culture or even the Horde. Their name is to do with honouring their people.
That’s fact.
They have the same culture, but simply smacked on with a different colour & party with a different group …
Upon these threads, the solution I suggest is to ultimately lorewise have the Silver Covenant & other pockets become Void Elves, or finally bite the bullet - apologise to the Blood Elves for the bad blood history, and become named Blood Elves themselves, yet obviously with the freedom of their path to what faction they want to be alongside with more.
Unifying them under the one banner name ‘Blood Elves ’ removes more problems than creates them, than if you were to make ‘High Elves’ a separate race and give them separate customisations / racials / mounts etc — Because realistically, anything they have is Blood Elves … aside from maybe a tabard. lol
This, I was so happy and grateful when someone gave me it/gifted me it because it was so sweet and unexpected.
We got blood elves, void elves, high elves, dead elves, all through the magic of customization! We have all sorts of flavor of short elves! We even have dragon elves.
No, no, my friends, we need more dwarves. Three dwarves is not sufficient for my dwarfy needs.
Blizzard literally already compromised. They added Void Elves as as a compromise. Alliance players just always want more.
The fact that blood elves can have blood eyes now lends credence that they have started to rejoin their homeland.
These are actually facts from the lore I have counted. Read the wiki.
Void Elves can have blood red eyes too …
— San’layn was given to both variants.
Yeah, I’ve said that quite a few times before in these kind of threads. lol
They then proceed to stamp their feet and suggest their demands being fully met without exchange is a ‘compromise’ — Ironically not understanding what the word actually means …
My main issue with the elven drama is that high elven forum posters do not believe in compromise.
Because they arent happy unless their demands are fully met.
He is right about this. But. The Blood Elf US forum players reaped what they sowed and the entitlement/belittlement came with a Karma attached.
Bit of a gaslight there Blastkrizzle …
You can’t really say it’s the Blood Elves fault & then suggest that the Belf playerbase is entitled for simply not wanting the opposing faction to rip-off their entire race and smack a new name on it. lol
People been stomping the same nonsense of High Elves ever since Blood Elves came out in Burning Crusade, from shear jealously alone. I’d hardly call the High Elf playerbase’s uncompromising demands as “karma”.
I don’t know if I would see it as gaslighting. I mean, they contributed and helped the High Elf fanatics in getting their High Elf subrace, willingly or not. Every post they made supported the idea and brought the topic back up, every single day for almost four years since the Void Elves.
But the intense energy surely manifested into a timeline, where they got their wish granted. You could say that their desire and devotion to the Barbie doll model was stronger than the Blood Elf-player’s one.
Exactly, just because they call themselves Blood elves doesn’t mean they’re different people, they’re still high elves just changed their group name to Blood elves in memory of their fallen brethren. They look exactly the same, different philosophy maybe but still VE and BE are High elves, they can also now look like one which was Blizzard’s way of saying they’re not adding a third race of elves using the same model. People need to stop and realize high elves have been playable since BC but they refer to their selves as blood elves now.
They are on both sides, which is the problem.
Top it with Alleria looking like a Helf, the Alliance having their own Helf militia, helf vanity items and there are canonically only a room full of corrupted Void Elves… and you get the perfect mix of backlash, which lasted for half a decade and even longer now.
It’s entirely Blizzard’s fault and they admitted it in giving them the helf subrace. An Alliance Void Elf can look like a High Elf with all the transmogs but as Horde-player you are very limited regarding this. At least the Magister-set let you turn into one finally.
Trying to educate ignorant people is like trying to ask a door to open itself.
It will never work.
They will never accept facts that are against their opinion.
They disagree with F A C T S.
Maybe they are still stuck on “alternative facts”?
You mean made up facts?
It has been 17 years. Blood Elves joined the Horde. A fraction of the elves that surived. They want to create a selectable race for them with a contingent of less than 100 survivors that have a birthrate that will not increase this number over the next 20 years. And they say it is not a problem. Not when it could drastically change the Alliance faction demographics to have like 20% or so with the supposed “new High Elf” race.
It is not bad enough that they had to give them some of the Blood Elves for their new allied race Void Elf so they would stop with that gigacope that they can’t be the “white cute elf” in their precious faction.
Talk about made up facts. rofl.
cool i didnt know you were on the wow writing team
They could do that by adding the concept of power infusion. Lightforged draenei isn’t actually a race, they are draenei that has become lightforged by infusing themself with the power of the light. We also see examples on non draenei being lightforged so we know that it works.
Voidelves are essentially what the lightforged are but with a void/shadow infusion instead. So, all it takes is to decuple infusion from the races. The voidelves would still exist but as void infused elves. This infusion would then be available for other races as well. As such, no void elf player would suddenly find their character deleted since nothing has changed.
So i could be a voidpera?
Interesting prospect…