Can we finally get playable the high elves?

it was a mistake giving alliance void elves im glad we have them but even given them many were upset even after they were provided more og blood elf looks. blizzard had to make up new lore so alliance could have a high elf lookn elf. it was the comprimise but if people are ungreatful they should simply not play wow or play a blood elf on their RP realm and RP as a high elf and stop demanding what they cant have.


It’s actually not silly. It’s silly they use a sliding scale to determine what the plot requires in game, but the are pretty consistent with the numbers in published lore. While certain lore items can be taken at face value in the MMO, others are adjusted for gameplay reasons. That said game play mechanics, be it population representation, map sizes, creature powers, should never be used as a way to discount established lore unless the purpose is to change the lore which is a bad idea all around.

Personally feel like all hairstyles (and hair colors honestly, maybe with a marker for natural tones for each individual race) should just be shared as much as possible. Its hair styles and color… barbers exist dye exists.

If they do these both should be toggable in game and also similar things for other races would be ideal.

Thinking Wildhammer especially but also Sand Trolls and such.

Tattoos is something I think people would continue to ask for (aside from the unreasonable folk who require that Silvermoon should fall and such).

Other than that yeah, thats most everything even the majority of hardliners are asking for remaining.

And honestly half of it TRPG can do for you.

It is silly precisely because they have never kept to their “lore” on populations. Its always what they need it to be. Its also why they rarely use hard numbers. Even the Blood Elves only got rough percentages.


The whole thing is just weird, like races basically rarely ever get acknowledgement in quests and dialogues unless it’s their debut expansion too (or a dev sometimes remembers there’s a relevant difference and that no the other races aren’t just technicolor humans with no history beyond SW/Org)

What exactly is the loss in just setting your TRP other than the concerning obsession with purity

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Except they will still be corrupted by and casting void magic, making your argument moot…

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Some folk notice more than others. shrug

I just set my TRP so I get you not getting it. I don’t really.

No more copycat races is really the way to go. Make new stuff! Stop skinning the same stuff over and over. Give us Tuskarr. Give us Sethrak. Give us something cool and different not just different color elves, and dwarves.


Anyone ever saying “trying to correct the mistake of void elves being added” or “correcting the mistake of the blood elves being Horde” are just yanking you chain.


No. I didn’t give one of the reasons because I was feeling lazy and didn’t want to list the reasons or decide on just one.

We can start with the fact that you over-generalized which then overlooks factors that may lead to peoples resolving differences in spite of cities being burned, which may not even be applicable to the events of wow. There’s also the fact that you jumped from the dark ages to nato, a massive span of time for things to change, then went and talked about enemies becoming allies in mere decades because of the countries’ interests, which over-simplifies and ignores so much in and of itself.

Then there’s the fact that just because something is “real” does not mean it’s condusive to a compelling story or makes the game fun for most. I am already hating having to get into this…

What do you mean? I didn’t see anything like that in there. Although i am a bit confused what you mean by “hostility toward other ar requests.” You mean people requesting other races besides naga in that thread? Because that seems like reasonable hostility.

I mean if you’ll help me get people to post in it I can make a new Playable Naga Megathread.

Gonna stop you right there. This is just you hoping for the lore to be reinterpretted despite it being very clear what has always been conveyed by the writing. All to support your own desires. The current high elf pop is small % of the ~10% of the original helf pop, most of which turned blood elf. That has always been the clear message. No “not including these bunch of helfs elsewhere!”

Stop. Just. STOP.

Your hair, like your entire race… is an abomination. Burn it all. With fel fire preferably. Or even better… holy fire, so that the void and holy combust and create more delicious fel…

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The main post kinda poops on races like Sethrak.

Most AR threads kinda agree not to do those sorts of things as a matter of curtesy. We don’t all have to agree on the different races but we can keep things clean as it were.

I’ll note: I did post in that thread several times as Fezzy.

I’d happily help support a new Naga thread! Always looking to try to capture the serious AR threads for me and Bagzak’s and Drede’s lists. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I thought that to be humorous. People asking for nu snake people when the naga og snake people have been getting asked for for ages. But I get your point… very well. I’ll get on that. Hopefully my thread gets as much attention as the old one did. Or more.

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10% of the survivors of Quel’Thalas refused to drain mana and were exiled, and took on the name of High Elves.

In other words, the lore has always been clear on the 90% figure: it applied exclusively to Arthas’ destruction of the Kingdom, and nowhere else.

In other words, the actual numbers of the High Elves are not known.

That can be interpreted in any of a dozen different ways, but that wasn’t my point. My point was that we don’t have the numbers, and those numbers don’t matter anyways. There will always be enough of a race or faction to suit whatever Blizzard has planned.

Remember in the aftermath of Wrath how Thrall said, “an entire generation of the Horde was lost,” while Jaina commented that over 50,000 Alliance lost their lives in Northrend? I imagine Blizzard doesn’t, since MoP happened, then Legion, then BFA. There’s always been more humans/orcs/forsaken/night elves/whatever they needed to throw around for a war.

Hmmmm, does anyone else see Vulcan/Romulan Unification in this idea?

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I mostly don’t get the point in including Dalaran

High elves are a minority there, with like not even a single elf on either side in the council since the purge.


Their decedents would be half elves, of which I can only think of one in game, the Paladin Arator the Redeemer in the Class Hall in Legion whose father is High Exarch Turalyon with his High Elf wife, Alleria Windrunner. By this very example, the High Elves the players want are knowingly allowing themselves to become extinct in favour of half elves.

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Awesome! Let me know and I’ll do what I can to support!

I feel like it should be noted as well that Chronicle, as far as I can tell, does not include any percentages of the loss only saying the elves had lost nearly as much as their neighbors.

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The percentage is restated again and again and again throughout the game including literally by Kael’thas in Slands. People are deep in the cope if they think they’ll retcon 3 again for helfers post reforged.

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Show me. I am unaware of this one.

A general idea of when/where will be fine and I can go look in game myself. >.> Not trying to catch you in a lie or anything I just wanna see it myself.

My nelf mage former main was my Venthyr toon - it’s his dialogue for races other than blood and void elves.

While I remain confined here in Revendreth, made to suffer due to a few... questionable choices, Kel'Thuzad roams free. That monster has all but seized control of Maldraxxus!
<Kael'thas glowers for a moment then turns his eyes downward.>
Nine of every ten, <name>. Slain by Arthas Menethil to raise that lich. A noble kingdom, all but erased.
You still bleed, do you not? Cut your flesh and count the drops of blood. Let nine fall and soak the earth for every one you save.
Tell me what that does to your heart, <name>. For I can tell you precisely what it did to mine.

Firstly, not a percentage, and secondly, noted specifically of the KINGDOM. Nothing really changed here.

[Edit]: Also a source for anyone who wants to look it up.