Can we finally get playable the high elves?

We don’t need more elves, we have plenty.

Give us something new, please.


I wanted Murlocs. And Grummels. I have yet to see my dreams fulfilled. :frowning:


The Horde has had them for over a decade and now they also have Azsharan style traditional Highborne. How high exactly are you trying to make these elves? Lol


I’m still waiting on Naga :pleading_face:


I was more going with the “It’s only champagne if it’s from the Champagne region of France, otherwise it’s just sparkling wine” meme.

But, that said, lore wise the vast majority of the “High Elves” were wiped out by the scourge during the Third War, and outside of a few isolated groups & individuals (Aleria, Vereesa Windrunner being notable), those Quel’dorei that survived were renamed Sin’dorei by the defacto leader of the Quel’dorei Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider. High Elves as a people and culture ceased to exist after that point. For game play reasons there are far more High Elves/Blood Elves then there should be as they were driven to the point of extinction by the scourge. I can’t recall the source, but there was something written that said there were a realistically a few hundred Blood Elves left, and even less “High Elves”.


A race that’s literally just Azshara clones (I guess Naga would be even higher highborne though)

That makes no sense unless you assume in-game populations are to scale (they aren’t, no matter what Golden puts in her books). Quel’thalas could easily have had a million people before the Scourge

Naga are just highborne underwater. Of course Nightborne are azshara clones or whatever it is you called them. Azshara is the pinnacle of highborne society the highest social rank any elf could ever hope for.


Highborn wasn’t a race, it was a title/caste of sorts used by the nobility of elven society. Most Highborne were arcane magic users if I recall correctly.


Yes but the shen’drelar were a highborne offshoot that initially came from a city that remained loyal to Azshara but was lucky enough to be on high ground during the sundering.

(And technically the term for high elf and highborne is the same in the elvish dialects)


You do recall correctly. Elven society is a caste society like the troll one it came from. Highborne is the top of the ladder like zandalari is for trolls.

Apart from the shendralar and the rendorei, alliance elves are lowborne scum as they say in suramar



Yes, BEFORE the scourge. Afterwards the population was driven to near extinction. Almost 90% of the Quel’dorei died to Arthas and the Scourge. The actual Blood Elf population is very low according to lore.

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10%of a million is 100k and imo there’s no way pre-scourge quel’thalas is significantly below that.

In-game scale is relative, it’s not meant to show actual world sizes.

But it’s rebounding. Because unlike night elves they apparently haven’t forgotten that you gotta make babies. Night elves had to lose their immortality gift to remember to procreate.

In Midnight I’m sure we will see just how well they have rebounded when Azshara attacks the sunwell. That opening salvo will most likely end in another giant slaughter of Thalassian elves too but it will show that quel’thalas ain’t going anywhere. No matter what comes for them they survive and rebound


Thats why i said actual game population is misleading. There are more players playing Blood Elves than there are actual Blood Elves. Same with Void Elves. They are a % or a % of the Quel’dorei that survived.


Your point that in-game populations are misleading based on player pop was undermined by arguing that in-game NPC populations represent anything to scale. The population of Azeroth is not represented 1:1 in-game.

“A few hundreds” is comically lowball

Darn elves!

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We have no way to even guess how many void elves there are now because both blood and high elf alike are going to telogrus to try out the cool new drug especially since alleria is there to teach them how not to overdose

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This post did a good job breaking down numbers. Its not 100% accurate but it lines up with comments the Dev’s made in regards to there not being enough High Elves left to be playable. Lore in-game also suggests that there should only realistically be 20-30 Void Elves TOTAL, not hundreds.

The lore subreddit has no idea what they’re talking about most of the time.

(Also the lifespans implied for high elves by OP of “500-1000 years” are like significantly below what’s been explicit canon since BC with Anasterion himself getting killed at a minimum age of 3000)

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