Can we finally get playable the high elves?

They probably would need to do more than that as I imagine they’d lose a bit of resolution. They’d probably have to edit it at least a bit.

Incidentally I believe they did have to edit some things for void elf high elf stuff too.

how they typically solve for that is they make the textures big so they can add alot of detail, and when its resized, it looks pretty good. you still lose some high detail in real small resolutions but it still looks good. small resolution graphics in older video games used much smaller textures and is why alot of them were simple pixel art, because high def graphics took up too much processing. also explains why as processing and memory improves, graphics get more and more detailed

I have a question: Why are Thalassian eye colors and other lore visuals the most inconsistent out of any other race in the game?

Back before the update, male High elves had glowing blue eyes and females had a more natural, non-glowing eye color at the same time. Why? Alleria originally had green eyes, but then she had bright glowing tealish blue eyes and now she has dark blue eyes with defined irises (with no explanation.) High elf Sylvanas had normal human blue eyes, but in WC3 she had really bright glowing eyes like Alleria did. Also in WC3 they gave Blood elves green eyes before Kael’thas met Illidan or had any exposure to Fel magic, why?

In the most recent depiction of Quel’thalas in Alleria’s short story the city was all blue/teal, but we know in-game that it’s always been red simply due to the ruins and older structures all being red (and it making no sense for the elves to paint everything red, even the ruins when they were barely standing after Arthas’ attack.)

It’s like they cant even get their own facts straight but we’re here arguing trivial details like they have some huge implications when the devs probably forgot the moment after they implemented it.


This is correct. Most of the people on the US-forum are not suited to be adults. I read people enjoying the misery of others which is truly a disgusting thing to witness.

And besides, everyone. The whole discussion about “they look the same” is somehow not an issue to Pandaren and Drakthyr - but when it comes to these Barbie dolls, this somehow starts to be a problem?

Double standards.


I wasn’t interested in vulpera. In fact, if I could delete a race from WoW, it would be a tough pick between Velfs, stoner dwarves and vulpera. I never saw them as a Horde race, or even as a race. They were a joke. They still are. One race the game can do without.

Instead of killing us with fox furries and robo gnomes they could have just done the human-undead exchange. Give the horde the human model (nathanos undead) and give the Alliance the skinny kultiran model (undead body rig). I have been waiting for the skinny kultiran (and proper long beards) to make that iconic wizard chracter. But instead I got foxes and cyber-gnomes. And don’t get me started on ogres. That race could have been added by now if you had one intern working on it one day a week since the game launched. Shi… anyway, I’m tired of the boring races we’ve been given as of late. I’m not trying to be picky or sound like a prick, but we do have races that people want so how about take a look at those before coming up with something dumber than vulpera.

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i think it was explained as alliance was stealing their most popular model, though some of that popularity is due to belfs being the only race on horde that could roll demon hunters and the artists did such a good job on the models. this is probably also why night elves are the most popular race on alliance, because they’re the only alliance race that can roll demon hunters.

oh, i think the earthen are thoughtfully crafted

hehe. like khadgar’s tbc form.

Nobody outside of the Blood Elf fanatics cares about this. It is pathetic. Some people really need to develop their real life. This is just a game.

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sowwy. i just got really tired of waiting for my orb of sindorei to come off cooldown. i would roll a draenei cause they could do belf with orb of deception, and when that was done, orb of sindorei, and when that was almost done, ai’li’s sky mirror and when that was done image swap a belf, and when that was done, mage illusion toy and when that was done, start all over again. i was determined to look like a helf on alliance. lol essentially i could look like a helf 55 minutes out of every hour. i thought, gee, nobody seems upset that i look like a helf most of the time…like no belfs were making rude gestures and alliance players would just check to be sure i was alliance.

I’ve seen the EU forums. No one on the internet is suited to be adults. :joy:


Biggest troll thread ever. We have high elves. They are blood elves so stop asking for them because visually no difference at all.



Seriously, those of you who think this… What do you think happens when you bump them? lol

oh its bumped? woot. :laughing:

I don’t why or maybe it’s just me but it’s visually easier to identify which faction a thalassian elf belongs to than to differentiate an Oathsworn earthen from an Unbound or a Machine Speaker

LOL yep, the best thing about that excuse was at the very same time they were giving Horde Night Elves. :crazy_face: What it came down to was Alliance players wanted it so Blizz was determined not to give it to them. That is really all it was.

Oh but the slight stance changes of the Nightborne makes them totally different. :joy:

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i was hearing that in my head lol

All this did is try to assuage a problem Blizzard themselves created. Not to mention that void elves continue to be an affront to good writing, so I don’t think the call has been answered enough. And that’s without taking the PR-side of things into account or how the elf debacle as a whole has been handled.

This is blatantly false. We all have our mains, and I for one wouldn’t drop any of my characters or race change them to elves. What you’ll probably see is the people that wanted high elves but forced themselves to settle for void elves race swapping, which I see as totally justified.

Sylvannas was more undead than elf since the start of WoW. Alleria’s void thing is more important than her being a former high elf at this stage of the game. Not to mention that the baggage/history of each characters matters way more than their race.

This makes no sense.

And if you want to talk lore, remember that void elves were pulled out of someone’s rear end despite the high elves having had presence in-world since Wrath of the Lich King on top of meeting the criteria Blizzard set for the launch of allied races during Legion.

And really, taking all the writing in WoW into account, high elves being playable would cause little to no issues to the lore. If you’re looking for issues, you need not look further than: alternate past Draenor, doing absolutely nothing with the dragonflights until DF, the mess that was BFA, Shadowlands, and Blizzard pulling a totally-not-the-Empire-of-Man facsimile of the Arathi Empire our of their rear ends.