Literally just give PWS its usual 4 second cooldown again. That’s all it will take.
It’s not fun having less healing to do because bubbles are absorbing everything, and I’m sure Priests don’t find it very fun sitting there spamming 1 button the entire raid.
You could just not do it or run 1 less healer since Shields are a thing.
Personally I love shielding and stopping damage before it happens was my favorite part of disc priest when I first learned to heal 10+ years ago.
I feel ya there with the massive amount of absorptions that happen in my raid. We have 2 Priests for our raid and unfortunately for me I’m the only Holy Paladin…
One of our priest was at a all-time high of 64.48% of healing with Power Word: Shield, just spamming shields all day.
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“just run less healers lol”
That’s the problem. PWS spam is so strong that it’s invalidating other healers.
Nerf it.
ya know, i can see having arguments on some pvp thing , but pve?
i dont want to crap on anyones pve performance at all and doubt that all the priests healing is just shields. im sure they press other buttons.
really though try bringing less healers.
if you dont feel the healing is engaging enough with the amount of healers you have, spice it up and lose a healer and have them go dps.
its not as if the healing capable classes dont have good dps off specs.
i hear boomie and spriest are doing very good.
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Yeah, the other button they press is Circle of Healing and sometimes Flash Heal. But any priest, the majority of their healing is PWS. Spamming 1 button and doing more HPS than all the other healers while also denying healing to those healers by absorbing all the damage.
PWS spam and absorb spam in general has been overtuned at multiple points in the game’s history; I really don’t know how the devs didn’t see this coming and thought it was okay to make Priest into a bubble spamming absorb machine again. Hell, they nerfed Paladin super quickly because their absorb heal was strong, but left Priests untouched. The fug is going on here?
The fact that you’re saying “take less healers” is the solution to one healer being broken OP, is just further proof that they need to be nerfed.
Honestly such a travesty that they emulated wotlk priest instead of tbc priest. Wotlk bubble spam is hands down the worse healing meta I have ever played.
TBC priest was so much fun to heal on in PvE (obviously busted but that’s fun lol) and disc was sick in PvP.
lol bro how many priest you got im your raid 4-5 priest heals lol they go oom spamming shields that much nonstop
Even with PWS spam priests can be out healed by a good mage healer PWS only protects from some chip damage. My shields get broken almost instantly on several bosses in AQ
“only absorbs chip damage” lmao, PWS is like 2500+ absorb, that’s not “chip damage”
Please and thank you. Absorb meta, soul warding, it’s so toxic to the healing in Sod and it has been for since phase 4. Having a rune that allows priests to spam endless 3k shields on the entire raid renders every other healer useless. I have raided as a resto druid and a holy pally and it’s been absolutely brutal through MC, BWL and now AQ, there is nothing to heal that isn’t absorbed. It needs a cd, that way it can still be powerful, but not hinder the very aspect of healing for everyone else. I have talked to countless priests saying “Power word: shield is absolutely overpowered, not sure how it still hasn’t been nerfed” Please devs, do you care about sod healing at all? Make the nerf to Soul Warding and balance healing somewhat.
This meta is utterly dumb, just get one priest and any other healer will be enough for most mechanics.
They have given up on any chance of balancing healing. They continue to make items and tier sets that buff PW:S when it already is so absurdly strong. Where is the healing dev? These shields have been a problem for 3 phases and it only continues to get buffed. next phase it has a 50% chance of absorbing and not depleting with the 6 piece set bonus. Is this a joke? They already absorb everything in raids and now you make it 50% stronger? The dev in charge of healing is so absolutely clueless its unreal
It’s a shocker that priests haven’t been nerfed yet.
My Mind Sear spam says otherwise.
yea its really just a joke at this point. I don’t think there are any devs working on balancing healing, otherwise they would see how absurdly overpowered and overturned priest shields are. And next phase with their 6 piece bonus, it gets 50% stronger. They have totally dropped the ball on healing for 4 phases now. It’s really such a simple fix too, not sure what the problem is blizzard.
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