Can we do a wellness check on Bigdam?

I, mechanically, don’t understand how you can have that amount of time+alts.

Whatever creature has possessed his utility function, is there any way to negotiate with it?

I can bake the apple pie, someone get a pet cactus?

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He gets his $15 worth that’s for sure.

I think he has something like 5000 games played of shuffle across all his toons?

Tbh I envy it, wish I liked wow enough to play it that much


Hes in my guild bro we taxpayer paycheck homies


No chance he only has 1 account. Guessing he has at least 3 and plays 1 while other 2 sit queues


Never heard it called this :sob::joy:

His primary function is to serve as a warning to others. The DSM VI will contain an entry on him.

I’m still not convinced that bigdam isn’t elon musk.


Elon doesn’t have that kind of time. I think he is probably our overlord and savior Donny J. He just doesn’t have time to dunk on us dweebs anymore since he’s too busy doing POTUS stuff now. It all lines up when you think about it…

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Bigdam is presumably actually good at video games, rather than paying people to play for him for e-cred.


Executive order signed to declassify the JFK files in full.

Amazing we will get confirmation on what has been known for decades.

The npcs of society will do one gasp before forgetting to focus on the next news cycle.

Conspiracy theorists are crazy why would my TV lie to me?

Sign an executive order to spill the beans in the occult cults running the world and their forced reincarnation or how the human brain can alter reality as a whole with simple meditation


What you talkin bout, Willis?

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That’s Elon Musk

He’s speaking the truth, what do you mean?

Generally when someone asks someone else what they’re talking about, it’s an inquiry.

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tell me the true story on the drones spotted in New Jersey (and around the world really)

also Bigdam is just one of the many wow players who have no life. Difference with bigdam is that hes good at arena and makes a ton of alts for some reason. i think I saw someone criticize him in anotha thread and someone defended him saying that he just finished uni?

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play 12 shuffles top 5 on ladder no reas to q make new alt

Well put. Reminds me of this

Can’t talk about what UFOs REALLY are on a public forum everyone’s too brainwashed by football and TikTok influencers for that conversation

I think you should enlighten us. What’s your take on them?

Makes so much more sense