Can we do a wellness check on Bigdam?

Did you see the Sony patent where to keep watching TV you would have to interact with ads like cheering “Yay McDonald’s!” at your TV before you can get back to watching whatever show you were also paying to watch?

I mean

Is the government gonna out the goverment on their crimes? Its gonna be redacted to death

People really don’t get it. I’m glad you bring up important subject matter.

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i’m going through a phase where I want to like it but I just cant, if it’s not 3s I just play marvel rivals instead

Like I said in a previous post, some people are terminally online and that is just how they choose to live.

What rank are you? Also, that game is just as bad when it comes to tilting.

plat 3

games are indeed becoming more sweaty but i have been enjoying the slow climb

Is plat like rival? Cause I started this week and I’m also the same rank.

I like how you deliberately dropped rank to boost other people

Just about

In the past it used to be akin to like old duelist but within the last 5 years or so they reworked their ranking system

You took a month vacation and you’re still accusing people of cheating? Man you are special.


the z-axis is a weird thing to get used to

and i wish some of these maps were tighter

and i wish there was some weight to these movements

and ffs I wish they had an actual writer writing these voice-lines and banter and scenarios, and some actual direction with ult callouts (PYURRRRRRR. KAOSSSSSS)

rivals makes me wish OW weren’t so cringe.

Yall talling about that guy named Crusader/miestro?.. he always says big dam…

blizzard’s IP curse is to start out based but live long enough to become cringe