Can we disable RDF kicking if you queued as a group?

Waited 10 minutes for a queue, did 2 pulls where I was the top DPS, and then kicked because the group was trying to get tier for their healer. Oh and 30 minute deserter debuff.

This is clearly breaking the social contract:
" Play as a team with your fellow players - whether in dungeons, raids, battlegrounds, arenas, or out questing in the world. Do your best to support your team through your communication and behaviors so that you can all celebrate your success together."

How do we report a group for abuse?

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Absolutely nothing you can do. I just leave groups that have more than 2 of a guild together. Three people from the same guild can just boot whoever they want, majority rules despite the fourth voting no. Supposedly retail’s mechanic doesn’t allow it unless all four do but if 3 are queued currently there’s nothing you can do but get griefed.

Don’t whisper them anything either, I got a 10 day vacation from this game for swearing at the people who did that to me.

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If it’s a 3 stack, that means the person outside the pre-made agreed to kick you.

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I literally just spawned into a twilight group. They were on the last boss. They said “buff.” I hit kings. I’d been in the group for 15 seconds at this point. They then said Holy mother@!@#%!@#!@% in spanish and I got kicked.

It’s the BS like that that is why a lot of people I know won’t even play classic now. Classic community is 10x more toxic than retail.

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Not true in Cata sadly. I know this to be fact because I voted no to someone getting kicked by a 3 man guild group. They sat around another 5 minutes before they could vote again. This time it’s a group of 3 and me, then I got kicked as well. Yes the other person was kicked, no they did not leave at the same time as they were voted out. Vote to kick passed.


It needs to be unanimous to vote kick unless for w/e reason the leftover person can’t or there’s a weird back-end issue with the 4th person queing into the dungeon in progress.

I know this because the pug has saved me from being kicked in the 3-man guild group comps many times after the tank bit off more than they could chew while I was healing.

You say that but what I’m talking about was 2 weeks ago. I was the fourth, it was NOT unanimous. I voted no, the vote to kick passed and was a system message in my chat. I have a hard time believing someone saying something is one way when I know it’s another by experiencing it…


How would you even know there was a vote to kick you unless you were told? You also say you’ve been “saved” multiple times from pug votes…

How often are you getting voted to be kicked…?

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Depends how much I flame the DPS for not swapping to the adds after explaining it multiples times or don’t move out of the very obvious bad thing that will kill them after the third time. I can be a little toxic when pushed. Fortunately I’m also a very good healer so the DPS who are doing the right thing like to save me.

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Just because 3 people in LFD are in the same guild does not automatically mean they’ve queued together and count as a premade.

I know I’ve found guildies in LFD when queueing solo.


That would be quite the wild coincidence but you’re not wrong that it COULD happen. Who knows then maybe I got the one exception to the rule, the group of 2 from the same guild with a third pug of the same guild… then the voting part follows as with a 2 man queue and not 3 but again that’s gotta be some crazy slim odds.

kickee’s debuff should be 15 mins long tbh
if u left, full 30.

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It’s not that wild. It happens to me all the time. If you had some friends in the game you might bump into them from time to time too. But raging on people in whispers and then ignoring them to ensure you get the only/last word has earned you a reputation on Mankrik. We know you. You’re a clown.

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Sounds like YOU know me, and the people who get whispered are one of three things.
1- A ninja on OS gear without asking. (DPS roll gear with dodge/parry on it).
2- A group that’s kicked me without justification. (keep tier among guilds)
3- Someone who asks a question that I can help with.

Sounds like you’re one of those three and I highly doubt it’s the third. If you haven’t ignored me already I’d like you to, or give me your in game and I can do the same. If you have such a problem with me, put me on ignore. Otherwise you feed on drama and might as well keep your mouth shut, sit back and enjoy the show. I know you won’t do the last or you wouldn’t be here specifically complaining to and about me.

Edit to clarify the third isn’t someone on ignore, because you’ll go Ltdan on me otherwise.

Bro I just read your post history, you’re literal cancer in each one of them. Sounds like you got the first or second of my list.

Well, I PvPed with you a little in Wrath and I found you to be disdainful myself, aside from not being a very good team player.

That’s the thing about the queue systems; anyone can queue for them, even the mal-intentioned and mouth-runners.

I can’t stop you from being in my group any more than you can stop me from being in yours.

This is actually retailer behavior.

You use classic as a blanket-all but only Cata has RDF.

The reason it’s worse in Cata than it was in Wrath is because of the nature of Cata’s dungeons; they’re long, tedious, and harder than before thanks to the idea of adding mythic dungeons to classic.

So people are less forgiving; all for the sake of ensuring the daily heroic gets done, or conspiring to get that sought after item because Cata is on a time limit, and they have to have it at all costs before it’s over.

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Oh absolutely I was and am a bad teammate in PvP. I went pretty hard into PvP achievements in Wrath and the only thing that mattered was the win. I can’t do it alone and am a pretty verbal person, especially when frustrated. Much more when I’ve been griefed in some way.

I thiiiiink… we probably interacted a few times in Wgrasp? I was determined to get my 100 wins. Whatever interaction we actually had I’ve long lost. I don’t have a fantastic memory due to several seizures before and since so I usually forget people I’ve met pretty fast.

Took me a long time to accept people are there to do their own thing and just like I was doing with needing the wins. I can’t stop them from ignoring the objectives. I still don’t understand the point in endlessly grinding HK’s but just straight fighting is probably a lot more fun than playing a flag the whole game.

Even now most of the remaining achievements I have involve heavily playing the objectives so I just don’t go in… yet. Eventually they’ll be the last. I know I’m toxic when I am stuck with people who don’t care about the end result. It’s like having a coworker who’s basically checked out and you have to work much harder to get it done.

That’s actually pretty pleasant of you recognizing your toxicity like that; you know what, my beef with you is quashed.

Nothing wrong with being verbal, just try to keep it down on the snide remarks and if you want to call the team morons, do it in a constructive criticism sentence and call the whole team morons; don’t single anyone out.

And understand that people can mess up. That’s why the horde is dead in Cata; no1 wants to play it and queue up for things, dungeons or BGs, if they’re just going to be subjected to criticisms and reprimands.

Well that’s good because I don’t remember it. Gl out there.

See you in TBC 70 BGs if you plan to come back.