Can we disable RDF kicking if you queued as a group?

Oh I’ll probably get banned trying to get pvp achievements by then, or I need to just leave that achievement tab alone forever and not risk it. Might go with the latter.

Pretty sure the 4th has to vote yes.

Agree. Was kicked on last boss by a 3 stack of dps that was just cycling through people until they could get carried somehow. I checked, they were in a Grim Batol for hours… (in this case it was a blessing)

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I would think so too but having not that long ago had a group vote to kick a wlock (I don’t remember why but he was doing fine) but in that case he would be the fifth, and I would be the fourth. My vote was No.

He still got kicked and my system message in chat showed vote to kick passed, not player has left. He was not offline or afk either we had just finished a trash pack. He even made healthstones at the entrance so it’s not like he was 100% braindead.

Worse? Yes. But, Wrath wasn’t much better. If you didn’t skip as much of a protocol dungeon to get to the last boss as possible, you’d get reamed. Is it consistent with ERA servers? Prolly not; I wouldn’t know because it’s painful to me to go back to WoW pre-WotLK (in fact, even going back to WotLK made me realize just how rose-tinted those glasses were). So my only experience (as with my friends who have tried playing) has been with progression servers and the community on the progression servers has been a complete pooop hole.

Strange things can happen Hi cute once with one other one of my gildes and we got matched with the other group of guys that were running as a three-man team together we’d started before them so we weren’t synced up so we hadn’t joined up yet so we had recued we got the dungeon and they joined us after that we just ran as a five-man team but it was kind of fun it was at the beginning of cata though.