Just straight up ban any advertisements made in any chat channel.
Boosting is the worst chat spam ever, and is one way gold sellers operate.
Just straight up ban any advertisements made in any chat channel.
Boosting is the worst chat spam ever, and is one way gold sellers operate.
Blizzard is financially invested in the player on player services economy, so i don’t think so.
There’s literally a services channel for this specific thing created by Blizzard.
So I’m guessing no.
Best compromise we could have hoped for was boosting to be moved in a seperate channel (completely wrecked large hub chat channels for a solid 2 expansions). Leaving the boosting channel provides the illusion of boosting being eradicated. Chat channels did resume “normalcy”, if chat was ever normal haha, after boosting got its own channel that could be left.
Want to say the “/” command is: /5 leave or /leave 5
Can we talk about the overwhelming amount of boosting ads in the chat? It’s like every channel I join has become a billboard for boost services. I get that there’s a market for this, but it’s turning chat into a spam fest. It’s practically impossible to have a regular conversation without being interrupted by someone selling boosts.
And then there’s the point about Blizzard’s financial interests. Sure, player services are part of the game’s economy, but shouldn’t the quality of the game experience take precedence? It feels like the balance has tipped too far in favor of making a profit, sacrificing our chat experience in the process.
There has to be a better way to manage this. Limiting the advertisements to certain areas or times, or even better, creating a designated space for this kind of trade. The current state just isn’t sustainable. I mean, are we here to play the game or scroll through a marketplace?
It’s high time for some sort of action to be taken. The game’s community and chat environment are too valuable to be drowned in a sea of ads.
It’s only allowed in the services channel. So report the others.
Just turn off the services channel.
Please don’t ruin something that is absolutely wonderful for many, many players, both giving and receiving boosts. The tears ruined it for quite some time before, and I’m sure you’ll ruin it again one day. But please just stop. It has absolutely nothing to do with you if you aren’t using them. Want the token price to maintain some kind of normalcy? That’s definitely your best chance.
Sounds like it should be banned everywhere but there then. And we can silence that channel so only the people interested need to get it.
Selling raid runs should be another restricted too.
I’d probably be in favor of that. But in this economy? xd
It is. But people need to report these accounts. Blizz can go through and silence them, but they can’t do it if they’re not reported. There’s also a billion of those things, so one down, seven billion more to go.
It’s already banable behavior, report them posting anywhere else, blizzard will take action. Here’s that post:
Here’s the original post: New Services Advertisement Policy
They get banned and immediately create a new account and start posting again
Considering they specifically made /5 for them, I’m guessing you’re correct.
Boosting is a plague on the game. Anyone involved in boosting groups who advertise anywhere except in the boosting channel should be banned, not just the advertisers. Blizzard should pay for a boost from one those advertisers, joint the raid, and ban every account in the raid.
It’s bad enough it’s allowed in its own channel, the penalty for allowing it to bleed into other channels or the group finder should be far more extreme.
It absolutely affects anyone interacting with others for groups - people who pay for boosts are definitionally geared and scored above their means.
Banning the advertising account isn’t enough; they need to ban the raid the boost is advertising. Simple 1 2 4 8 day etc etc would do the trick just fine. People might stop joining boost groups without first vetting the advertising party.
If it is not in that single channel, you can report them but from what I have seen all that does it toss them on an ignore list until they switch to another mule.
It’s not to stop the ability to be able to do it. It’s to stop the ADVERTISEMENT of boosting.
It’s so bad for the game and is one method gold sellers and buyers are operating.
For your friends or guildies that are going to help boost you or boosting yourself on another account that’s fine. I like boosting people for free on my Prot Paladin.
I want ADVERTISEMENT of Boosting BANNED in all chat channels. Not boosting itself.
If they ban boosting, then they should ban GDKP’s. Won’t happen, Make use of the ignore function.
I call bs. I’m a human player that does boosting for gold. I don’t sell or buy anything. I buy the overprices GDKP runs.