Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

whole post is expanded from a previous topic itself.

I think I see.

Additionally, did you gander at that thread I posted here earlier for a valid reason as to why to place a user onto one’s ignore list?

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I got them on ignore, so I can’t see the initial post, and can’t switch to another character to read it as the character selection is currently bugged for me.

It appears to clarify what the poster means by anonymous posting. It appears to be partial anonymous posting to where it would hide the name.

Per their words,

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Hey another nelfas post of the same issue in a week. Flaggin and moving on.


Some players identify themselves as those characters they love in-game. Since undead
are an evil race or not really care about much the living, other topic has its meaning.

It is MMORPG forums after all.

If i do not like topic or post i just move on with my business to the topic i like.

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My thought on that matter still stand.

My thoughts on the matter remains the same.

If your thoughts and opinions are gonna cause blow back, and result someone trying to contact you in game, keep them to yourself. Always, wanting anonymity is just an excuse to avoid responsibility of what you have to say.


Did you read further into the thread than the original post?

Because there’s a plethera of things contained within that thread that are not fine.

So would you… condone some of the things the person said?

I personally would not feel safe if someone with that was able to post anonymously without a way to easily block.


It doesn’t fit their agenda.

I suppose I could suggest a “filter anonymous” button to where if, for whatever reason, the suggestion was implemented, one could quite easily not see any anonymous posts or threads.

can you still see someones topic even if you blocked them?

No. You would need to switch to a different character for that.

The issue comes in with the forum software itself. You must have a name to add to the block list and if no name is able to go within the list, then there’s no way to block said user.

Hidden names would be problematic in a way of there’s no name for the system software to block.


Yup. Nelfas’s showed up for me.

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Yes. If you block someone their topics still appear on the main page. The original contents of the OP will be marked as ‘Ignored Content’ but the thread and any time anyone posts that uses block quotes in their post will still show you the ignored person’s posts.


I apologize. I misunderstood what Moondoggie was asking earlier.

here is my opinion about that. Instead of not replying , people actually brought more gaseline and made a nuclear fire.

Topic itself is ok, i like call out a filthy orcs when i see them. Because as a night elf i hate them.

Profanity is not okay and moderators will take care of that.

Look in that topics first reply, was it that necessary to insult OP? People tend to insult OP and then pretend that they are innocents. Blaming OP for causing unrest in forums.

Also , looks like same bunch of people what they keep doing in usually every other topic , mine included.

like most of them, and would explain that his opinion should be expressed in a way that nobody could get upset for his wordings.

I personally do not have anyone on ignore here, and nobody in-game EVER,(except some time ago 1 lvl scammers spamming trade chat)

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What they had posted was not simple profanity in quite a few instances.

There were threats of violence in a few of the hidden posts. Sure moderation will handle it, but the moderation staff are humans. Humans require sleep, food and personal time.

And I, personally, will block people.

They’re just angry that they’re expected to have done things before complaining about them. It’s like if someone had never even done a dungeon before but was complaining that M+ was too easy. That’s the sort of nonsense they want to protect.

i see no reason to block anyone. Even those who do armory stalking against users. I just wish that i could hide my forum characters armory and have more privacy.

Side note before this old wolf makes his bed for the night, I discovered this support article from 2017 (it is old so not sure if there’s an updated one article) regarding discourse and anonymous posting.

Discourse is the software that Blizzard utilizes for their forum.

It appears when a user goes into anonymous mode a new profile is created purely for that anonymous poster. This could lead to issues with ignoring players if this old article is still true for this discourse mode.

If you create a classic character, there are no armories. You do not need a separate subscription or account for that either. The character has to be level 10 at least, but you are given a free level 55 death knight per realm I believe.

Edited to fix typos