Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

Again? Seriously? :person_facepalming:


Need a paper bag mog for characters to hide our identity.

Also, everyone should type like this for more security.


Hm interesting.

It is explained in my first post. People are tired of armory stalking all the time. And by stalking i mean, when it is used against you and your opinion. Not that people checking armories for whatever different reasons.

well, “Partly anonymous”, since it can not be fully anonymous, nor people ever asked this. Blizzard still have all information.

Me too. It could never work in MMORPG forums, where people have characters and Role play as them.

People should stop trying to do moderator work. Nobody asked them to police these forums. And 99% of the time are usually wrong in what they doing.

it became a visible issue after dislike button was removed. People flag because they do not like different opinion or suggestions.

No! Your posts are actually thoughtful and constructive.

or maybe they are collecting information about those who keep doing what they should not do according to CoC and all data will be used later to take actions?

option to hide your name also fully hide armory from a forum character i am posting.

No this one is more detailed and expanded.

So forums are to discuss things about game , imagine if people were talking about soemthing and you would miss half or the responses because someone in that topic is blocked?

I really do not get why you even need to block anyone in forums, since we are here to share experiences and opinions. You like it or not, you do not need to respond and be offesnive just because someone has a different point of view then yours.

In-game, yes, it is different, but in forums? WHy we need that? We do not. People should stop demonizing others just because they have a different opinion.

I am deeply grateful and thankful that this topic is allowed to by create again Vrakthris. :four_leaf_clover:


This is very hard to do unless they alter how the API works. You don’t need to use the forums directly to armory someone, you can just look it up in the armory itself. People being able to hide info from the armory would have an impact on a whole slew of addons and how they function. Maybe that’s an acceptable thing to give up but if I had to guess, the vast majority of players wouldn’t want anything like that, especially since the vast majority of players have literally zero connection to whatever is going on in the forums.


Um, if your “opinion” is causing people to track you down in game and bug you about it, maybe you need to keep that opinion to yourself? Recent history, has shown me your concerns are bupkis and unfounded.


It’s usually people wanting to put their 2 cents in for high Mythic+, Mythic raiding, or PvP with zero experience with any lol.

Take a gander at the " Spider modification option shouldn’t come" Thread.

I would look post haste however. The thread will be of the wayside once afternoon rolls around I’m sure.


Lol, no.

Probs some of the worst ideas I’ve read on the forums.


Moderation on these boards is wild. Someone telling someone to off themselves and it’s been up for over 7 hours lol.


That thread is probably gonna be up til around Monday or so. I saw one WORSE than that many years ago, that was up for about 8 days.


This thread was closed by a moderator in the previous thread and not System. I’m guessing this will be closed too now?

And to clarify the point of my earlier post with the linking of the thread here, that was to showcase the depravity of how some posts can occur on the forums with the chain of events.

It is my intention to keep the discussion on topic with that comment made earlier.

Likely, and to clarify what the OP said, the mod in question said, He’ll unlock the thread (the previous one), after he did some clean up, told them (the OP and it’s mates) to chill. Well that didn’t happen.

I mean it’s pretty pointless anyway cause they aren’t going to give us an anonymous option.

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If you can’t stand by what you said, don’t say it. Anonymity is a cheap way to avoid responsibility. ANYTIME people scream for “Anonymity”, it’s NEVER been good.


Which is why Padgarre posts on only one character and gets banned months at a time sometimes. Joys of saying stuff and things.


both sides were getting on each other, it’s not just one side. don’t blame just one. vrak even said he’d allow the op to post, just stop derailing here

it’s pointless bc no one wants to discuss they just want to have it their way so these threads aren’t really fun

topic is updated and expanded. I invite to read my first post again

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Could you point out which section was updated in your first post?