Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

Well, i never needed ignore function in a first place. Since 2004 i never put on ignore someone from forums ever lol. I just dont read what i do not like or disagree with.

You have option to choose. Ignoring is just denying the truth.

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What may work for one user may not work for another. I would feel safer if I had a means of blocking certain phrases or all anonymous posts if they were implemented. That would personally work for me but maybe not others such as yourself.

And truth is subjective when it comes to opinions and the like. There are factual statements and opinions. Opinions can be truth or false depending on context and any information bolstering said opinions through factual data.

Factual statements are usually bolstered with articles and information. I presented a situation earlier, which, the comments made in that thread were not factual by that user. What was factual is their behavior was horrible and showcases some of the instances of misbehavior that currently happens here as the forums are currently.

But time for this old wolf to go to sleep. Good night.

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I’m pretty sure they got rid of that to combat botting. DKs require a level 55 on that realm.

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There is “link your transmog” topics. Maybe a built-in safe way to do this like adding a function where we take a snapshot of our current transmog and only the transmog not the actual gear and post a link to that. As a bonus the link will continue to lead to the snapshot even when the character is wearing other outfits.

Right? I’m obviously on an alt, like who’s gonna go through the work to find out who my main is or what guild I’m in?

Not that I’ve particularly tried to hide it. I just don’t want morons to be like “lol you didn’t do Mythic Amirdrassil, therefore your opinion on delves don’t count” or whatever garbage armory trolls say.


A totally anonymous conversation between the OP and an anonymous fictional video game character

OP: “I am queen of the Night Elves!”
Anonymous: “No you’re not.”
OP: " You shouldn’t know that! How dare you breach my privacy! The system is broken, Blizzard will hear of this injustice!"


Ignoring is ignoring. Not every post is the truth, and everyone here has the right to ignore any person, for any reason, to no reason at all. Hey, you can chose to ignore me for being a Night Elf Warlock, sadly, there is nothing I can do about that, because you have every right to do so. But ignoring someone does not mean ignoring the truth.

In fact, it is encouraged by Blizzard for people to ignore and not engage when someone tends to get toxic by any means.

I know I am one person who was doing it, and I admit that. I not proud of my own behaviour, but I have a responsibility for my own behaviour. If I know I was in the wrong, I’ll admit I was in the wrong.

Opinions are opinions, and doesn’t come with a true or false. I could say something nasty about being a Worgen, that would be on the basis of my own opinion. Doesn’t mean it is the truth, doesn’t mean it is false either. Opinions doesn’t work that way. It is like saying opinions are wrong when opinions are opinions, and don’t come with a right or wrong reply.


Given that he was given permission to make this thread…

It was more like a rhetorical statement. People tend to ignore what they do not like, especially the truth.

Ignoring someone in forums is bad idea, since we are here to discuss things, all opinions. I do understand importance in-game for ignore function for those who need it, but in forums we do not need that.

Also, people still read ignored person posts, so why ignore in the first place?

So I can mute this one too and it not show up in my feed.

How much more anonymity on these forums do you really need? Seems like you’re doing just fine.

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Yay, Sunday, whoohoo, PARTY!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

option to fully hide armory in forums and hide your name so people could not check my armory.

Sorry, but that just isnt true at all.
For example, I have VERY hardcore views that you are GOING to disagree with on some topics.
Now, if we agree to disagree and remain cordial, that works.
But what if I just keep drilling you over and over and dont let up even after youve made it clear that you have your own view and arent interested in discussing it further?
That is where the ignore comes in and is necessary because some personalities, not topics themselves, are rancid and it gets tiresome dealing with them.

both sides agree on this issue of wanting account wide ignores.
Kudos to you if you dont want one…thats great…for YOU.
Id guess that the vast majority on this site would want some form of ignore, as we have now at the very least, because most of us have traversed the web long enough to know that there ARE personality types, regardless of topics, that we dont want to be perpetually bothered by.

You do realize that in essence youre asking for a kind of ‘ignore’ in asking for this, correct?
Im no profile stalker but asking for it to be blocked = not wanting people to see it for a reason = to shut down certain points that would be made in using the info therein = being able to “ignore” that aspect of the discussion that could otherwise be brought up.

I can not check the name and armory of the character you play WoW on right now.

Right now …you have what you are asking for.

You know this. But you ignore it.

That’s how we know this conversation is not in good faith


When your anonymous posting method is used, will other poster be able to ignore that poster?

If yes, will the ignore be applied to the character they are signed in as or the account?

If no, won’t that lead to “ridiculing people, trashing topics, and derailing them without fear for any consequences.”


Why wouldn’t it? The posting character is still attached to an account.

No, it wouldn’t. Blizzard would just action those posters, especially with how report happy people and groups are here.

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nah this what needs happen.
1.account wide ignore.
2. make ignore work like on other forums where it autohides their threads.
3. make classic profiles linked to retail accounts.
4. limit threads made to about 2 every hour.
5. make alt accounts linked under the same license. (not sure if im articulating it correctly.)
6.make it easier to ignore hidden profiles.
7. double ignore list limit. there’s no real reason not to. the server space used up is miniscule if the people who don’t ignore anyone are to be believed.
8.only way i would EVER agree to battle net tags is if it still allows you to swap characters for transmog. I made this transmog I want to show it off. A lot of times battle tag people seem to forget the other forums games DONT HAVE TRANSMOG. that was why they switched to real profiles in cata forums instead of the PREMADE avatars they had in the previous wow games.

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If we can ignore the anonymous poster, other posters will:

  • switch to an alt that has no forum ignores setup
  • Ignore the anonymous poster to look for hidden post to see who the anonymous poster is.
  • This off course lead to people creating an alt to create anonymous post with.

Guess what? we can already do that. Nothing will be gained with this new anonymous posting method.

If Blizz made it so we can’t ignore anonymous posters, it will unquestionably lead to "ridiculing people, trashing topics, and derailing them without fear for any consequences.”

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