Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

Even if there ARE new players who feel that way, they are not the majority. The majority does not want fully anonymous posting and blizzard will always go with the majority, not the minority.

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This entire thread is pointless from the start. How exactly do you make a forum with already anonymous posting from video game characters more secure? The entire premise makes zero sense lol.


Because the OP believes reading post history and looking at the armory is stalking, despite it being public information.


By making it go fully anonymous so they can continue with harassment and trolling, increase the amount of racism, hate speech and real life threats. In otherwords, turning the forums into 4chan or Tumblr…


it would be the same as following someone around and listening in to their conversations with other people.

On a forum? You’re kidding, right? It is a public forum. If you want a private conversation, whisper your friends in-game.


You can do that now, just make a Classic character. That isn’t asking for the forums to be anonymous, that’s asking for the forums to have zero moderation lol.

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New players seem to be perfectly ok with asking questions in the new player discord that I help out in without your requested feature.


on the contrary, actually… the moderators would still perform their functions and action accounts that post things that are against the code of conduct, so it really changes nothing in that regard.

it just helps people to feel more comfortable while posting on the forums

No it doesn’t.


do these new players on your discord get to change their name whenever they want?

i believe discord does allow that feature, you can change your name in a server as you want.

I’ve never personally used 4chan but I can vouch for Tumblr being super toxic with their anonymous asks.

I’ve gotten quite a bit of abuse over the years via anonymous asks and my friend was being harassed by someone just a couple months ago.

They sent vile things back to back to back until she finally turned off her ask box because she couldn’t handle it anymore.

Do you know what happened to that person? absolutely nothing because they’re anonymous.

No, it would be like reading the transcripts of any public speaking event because these conversations are not held in private.


if these anonymous sites are so bad, as you say, why do you keep participating in them? surely they offer something beneficial to you if you keep going to them, right?

I know 4chan has a quite high amount of toxicity, though this is through what others have told me in other places

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Yes, and it live updates any previous posts to the new nickname.

It also doesn’t change the actual username (which is publicly displayed on your profile).


Yeah, most of my experience with the site comes from YouTubers telling stories about bad stuff that’s happened there :dracthyr_sweat:

You couldn’t pay me to go there myself.


so it would be just like the feature that OP wants - change the posting name but leave the account name the same so blizzard can see the account name but none of the users can see the account name - sounds like discord has a pretty good system and wow forums should use it too

Did anybody else notice that this thread was delisted 10-15 minutes ago? Nobody who isn’t already aware of its existence is ever going to see it.


Just for reference

Had to hide mine through since it is using my real name.

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