Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

Sorry but Btags or account wide ignores isn’t the best solution for the forums.

If it was you’d have it.

That you don’t says something about what Blizzard thinks of it too, for the past year and a half of pointless debate.


Yeah. They are more or less saying, “You’re wrong because I say you’re wrong. No, I’m not here to debate it, I’m just here to tell you you’re wrong and nothing you can say will change my mind.”


i would like to add something here, Ard, if that would be ok?

so, everyone is saying that the other Blizzard forums have been using btags for multiple years at this point, right?

well, if btags were so successful on those other forums, wouldn’t they have already been brought to the WoW Forums?

there must be issues with btags on those forums that we aren’t aware of.


I remember there was one guy who said people shouldn’t be allowed to ignore others because then they end up in an echo chamber.

No, ignoring people keeps me out of the insane asylum because these people are trying really hard to send me there.

Ever since I started ignoring problematic people, I’ve found peace and quiet. It’s a beautiful thing.



Nothing wrong with integrity.

r/whoosh has entered the chat.

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Even a puppy-kicking psychopath can stand unwavering by their decisions. Integrity is an interesting word, there’s nothing wrong with integrity itself, however there are cases where standing by one’s convictions is not always the rational or right thing to do.

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I like this one more:


This is just a gaming forum ran by Blizzard.

Not a gaming forum ran by public opinion.

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Okay. You win the no bells prize.

You’re wrong and you should feel wrong for it, I am not going to discuss it any further with you. - Literally what you are doing here.

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There are zero problems with Tags on the other forums. This forum was initially set up in the core software to have a single ID just like every other Blizzard forum, and every other forum everywhere.

However, because it is an MMO and previously people used to be able to switch between “characters” to RP on the forums, they wanted to recreate that concept here when the new Discourse software rolled out. That requires specially modifying the WoW forum version to allow posting by “character” instead of by account.

The end result is that the software treats every character-server as a separate forum account with its own trust level, likes, flags, post history, post count, and Ignore ID. That is not how the former software worked…but it is what we have for now.

Blizzard realizes that the attempt to give us character posting using this software is not great and has a lot of issues.

It is not the other forums that have issues. There is a reason all the other ones use Btags and WoW does not - and WoW is the one they are looking at changing.


Their entire argument can be boiled down to: “It didn’t happen yet so obviously it won’t be better.” Man, what should we tell that kind of person? I am curious if their mind would have imploded if they said that there was nothing wrong with telegrams or paper mail and that because those were perfect, e-mail and VoIP communication would never need to exist.


Any discussion with Btags often turns out negatively regardless.

Why do you think any thread about them keeps getting closed?

I am hardly the architect of its reputation.

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There are some people you really should just not bother arguing with. See the Account Wide Ignore thread and read the fox’s posts. It goes in circles and will make you dizzy. I think some people maybe just like to argue to argue as a sport.


I think they are just unwell. But, I decided to stop clicking the ‘View Hidden Reply’ button so they cease to exist. Problem solved, balance is restored.


That can be applied to literally everything, though.

“Well, they haven’t added worgen yet, so clearly the game is better without them.” worgen were added.

“Well, they haven’t added shamans yet, so clearly the game is better without them.” shamans were added.

“Well, they haven’t released a new expansion yet, so clearly the game is better without it.” new expansion is added.

Just because they haven’t added something doesn’t mean it will never be added. Things take time to put together, especially to be put together properly.

WoW isn’t their only game and I highly doubt the forums are at the top of the list. Does that mean it won’t come just because it hasn’t happened yet? No.

That’s like saying, “well I’ve never seen a cat before so I guess it will never happen.”


I didn’t want to block them because I wanted to give them a chance but my god, talking to them makes my head hurt and I just couldn’t take it anymore.

I have a lot better things to waste my time with.


Or perhaps a game?


It is more like - all the other forums have cats. Glorious cats. They made a special version of the forums without cats because they thought that would give people an option they wanted (Char posting). Turns out, no cats is just a bad idea overall. It did not work out as planned and there were unforeseen complications. We need cats and cats will be brought back in some way.


Yep. I just decided to drop the neutral approach and just been calling it out for what it is. They are trolls, successful trolls with this thread standing as a monument to the futility of finding reason with those who’s only goal is to frustrate and annoy.